[TE2013] How to Mod the game ? >> FAQ <<

Everything about Modding TE2013, from new courts to the modifications of the player & tournament bases (and including all the bugs they may be creating ! ;) )
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[TE2013] How to Mod the game ? >> FAQ <<

Postby manutoo » 08 Feb 2011, 14:35


the basics to Mod the game are explained in the HowToMod.html file, located in the "Data" subfolder ; by default, it's here :
C:\Program Files (x86)\Tennis Elbow 2013\Data\HowToMod.html
Or online here : https://www.managames.com/tennis/doc/HowToMod.html .

Most answers to your questions are explained in that doc.

Warning: Do not use any ATP/WTA trademarks nor any ATP/WTA logos

And here a few additional topics :
Alternative to QPed : http://www.fileplanet.com/50620/50000/fileinfo/PakScape
Explanations to create a new 3D court : topic29-18216.php & topic29-3615.php & topic29-4835.php
How to create new strike animations : topic29-7453.php & topic29-13339.php (update of topic29-5445.php ) & topic29-2595.php
How to change in-game texts : Edit the "Data\Pak01.Pak/Menu/Lang_*.txt" files.
How to insert new player faces : topic29-4413.php
How to add 2D courts & remove chair umpire & judges : topic29-7243.php
How to create new 2D courts, in video tutorial : topic29-10616.php + https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XN4SPVEV_P8
How to load different nets according to the court : topic29-11961.php
How to play different strike sounds according to the court : topic29-11962.php
How to modify existing 3D player models : topic29-15690.php
How to have 1 Tour.ini per year : topic29-17924.php
How to automatically update CPU players' outfit in World Tour, according to the current year & week : topic29-17866.php
How to Keep Mods after a New Update : install the Mods in the "Mods" folder and updating won't affect your Modding (else, read here topic29-2510.php)
All TE2013 2D courts : https://www.managames.com/download.php? ... Courts.zip

How to install Mods ?
I can't help you to install Mods ; you have to read the install instructions given with the Mod you want, or read the HowToMod to understand what is required to use that Mod.
Note : never install "Data\Pak01.pak" & "Data\Pak02.pak" from the Mods you download, you should keep the .Pak from the official TE version.
Also, read here for info about general way of installing all-in-one Mods and how to use the "Mods" folder : topic29-11960.php .

Mac OSX / Linux :
To access the files, right-click on "Tennis Elbow 2013.app" and select "Show Content", then go to the folder "Contents/Resources/".
You can't open the .Pak file, so here a .zip version of the .Pak : https://www.managames.com/download.php?TE2013.pak.zip
It contains all the files from the .pak, except the few ones non-editable ; you can copy all of them in <Documents/TennisElbow2013/Mods/MyMod> (you have to create the "MyMod" folder).
It contains the files from v1.0j Build 115 ; it may be partly outdated if a new version is released. Delete the file "Menu\BuildMac.Txt" to avoid "Invalid/Corrupt Data" message with any newer version.

Anyway, you should be able to install all the Mods created, either on Windows or Mac OSX or Linux, as there's almost no difference in the game engine between the 3 versions.
Although, you should have your Hard Drive File System set to "Case Insensitive". If it's on "Case Sensitive", it'll usually create a lot of problems as Modders create files without checking the case in file names. However, if the Mod you're trying to install only contain Pak files, just make their case matches the one of the official Pak files, ie : "Pak01.Pak" ; you can also do that for all files that are outside the Pak file in the original game (example : Players.ATP.Ini) ; but for all files contained within the Pak file in the original game, but bundled outside of any Pak file with a Mod, you won't have the possibility to know the correct case for each character in their names.
On Linux, it might be not possible to have the File System set to "Case Insensitive", so you're in for troubles... ;)

Also if the Mod you want to install provides sub-folders, don't replace your existing sub-folders with the ones from the Mod (except specifically specified in its install instructions) ; merge them together instead (it's the default behaviour on Windows).

Mac OSX AppStore version : if you get a crash on start after adding a Mod containing new sound FX, read here => topic29-15863.php .

Mods to download :
- Courts, many courts : topic29-4657.php ; topic29-4465.php ; topic29-7882.php ; topic29-5473.php ; topic29-7397.php
- Faces : topic29-4396.php
- Rackets, outfit : topic29-3072.php ; topic29-6539.php
- Rackets, outfit, courts : topic29-3512.php
- Strike Styles & Gestures : topic29-5214.php
- Custom HUDs : topic29-5450.php
- Big Compilation of a lot of Mods : topic29-24824.php ; topic29-18104.php ; topic29-6880.php

And many more through the Forum !

"Missing, wrong version, corrupted data files, please re-install the game"
If you install a Mod that comes with the file "Menu\Build.Txt", you won't be able to use it with other game Builds than the one its creator used.
If you try to start another Build of the game with that Mod, you'll get the message "Missing, wrong version, corrupted data files, please re-install the game".
To bypass that (and possibly meet unexpected problems), you can delete the "Menu\Build.Txt" file ("BuildMac.Txt" on Mac) ; if it's not in the "Menu" subfolder, then it's in a .pak file bundled with the Mod.

Ads Links:
if you want to use ads links (example: adf.ly) to link to your creations, read this : topic29-15174.php .

Good Usage of other people Mods:
if you want to use other people's Mods in your own Mod, or report unauthorized usage of your Mod, read here : topic29-16176.php .

How to update a Modded game when an official update is released ?
1) if you installed your Mod(s) in the Mods subfolder, then just install the latest version over your current installation and you should be done
2) if you installed your Mod(s) outside of the Mods subfolder, then normally, you should just have to do this :
- install the latest official version (either with the demo or the patch) over your current installation folder
- re-install the Mod you installed at 1st
- saved games should still work ; in case of strangely bundled Mod, it may not work, though
:arrow: 1&2) And after in both cases :
- re-select your Profile, if you created one

Is it possible to play online with a Modded game ?
it depends :
- if the Mods are only visual and doesn't affect the gameplay, then yes (but your opponent won't see any of your visual changes)
- if the Mods include gameplay change (mainly : new strike styles, new courts, court physics changes), then no, except if your opponent installed the exact same Mods in his game ; usually, playing online with Modded gameplay will lead to unending Desync

Notes :
- if your question's answer already lies in the HowToMod or in the forum, I will probably not answer it ; other Modders may help you though
- moreover, I won't answer any question related to image edition, 3D model creation, etc... ; ie: I don't have time to teach you how to use Photoshop or any other development tool
- Don't PM me about Modding or anything that is not a private matter

So in a general way, I don't have time to help you Modding the game, find the bugs you created, etc...
== Mana Games ==

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