Tennis Elbow 4 - Early Version !

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Re: Tennis Elbow 4 - Early Version !

Postby manutoo » 15 Jan 2022, 13:04

Version 0.48 - Build 69 ; SubBuild 2022.1.15:

New Features :
- Gameplay : now the players can slide, on all surfaces but more often on clay & grass ; this provide a bit of extra reach ; the sliding is automatic if you have enough speed and stand at the correct distance and if the ball isn't too high, but if you don't press a strike button at the correct time, the sliding will start a tiny bit late and your player will be a tiny too much on the ball ; when you slide, you put less spin in the ball on the normal & slice strike
- Strike : added a 2nd double-handed forehand, very loosely inspired from Gambill :blackeye:
- Hall of Fame : updated all the real records to the end of 2021

Changes :
- Surface : tuned a bit the color of the grass, clay & blue-green cement courts (only in the 3D courts for now, not the 2D Backgrounds)
- Animation : fixed the off-hand on the 1st double-handed forehand
- World Tour : now, in Pro difficulty and above, you'll get a bit more experience points overall, and your skills will drop a bit less fast
- World Tour : raised a bit the resting rate of your player when his ranking get very good

Bug Fixes :
- Menu : the selection with a controller could get blocked in the "Exit current match" screen
- Gameplay : the service line was seen as bigger than it was by the line judges
- Gameplay : fixed a crash that could happen when pressing the acceleration buttons right before starting to serve
- Helpers : "[Network] HideOppHelper" wasn't working correctly (it's in your Tennis.ini)
- Recording : launching a recorded match without having loaded a World Tour saved game 1st was making the game crash
- World Tour : your player was sleeping (and thus wasn't resting) if you had played too much during the same day (ie: playing singles + doubles)
- World Tour : player's potentials when starting a new career with an existing player were all wrong (since the previous update)
- World Tour : most women had a one-handed backhand instead of a 2 handed one
- World Tour : the yearly stats of a Junior ending #1 that year were hidden
- World Tour : the game could crash on a new week, after adding a player in the player base & then loading a saved game ; this bug could also do some funky stuff on the past rankings of the players (visible when seeing H2H or stuff like that)
- World Tour : the OutfitTE4 codes in the player base weren't loaded correctly
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 4 - Early Version !

Postby manutoo » 16 Jan 2022, 19:32

Build 70 - SubBuild 2022.1.16:

Bug Fixes :
- Online : the sliding start was making the player display all corrupted
- Online : the racket could get permanently misoriented after a slide
- Gameplay : the sliding could make the player start a sliding forehand when he should be doing a normal backhand, and vice versa
- World Tour : loading an old saved game could crash

Notes :
- Demo versions updated
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 4 - Early Version !

Postby manutoo » 26 Jan 2022, 12:45

Version 0.49 - Build 71 ; SubBuild 2022.1.26:

New Features :
- Sound : new umpire voices, 1 from the UK, 1 from the US and 1 in German (thanks to Paulie, Bob Madden & Patrick Geyer !), and the base umpire voices have been redone as well
- Modding : new way to Mod the Grunt, all the court sounds, and the Umpire announcements => topic60-33725.php

Changes :
- World Tour : the women now serve about 4km/h faster when they have 50% in their Service Power skill
- World Tour : the players get tired faster if you have chosen to play with fewer sets than in real life (eg: a 1-set match instead of a best-of-3-set match)

Bug Fixes :
- Animation : the player could jerk left/right before hitting the ball with the Fast Autopositionning (and possibly in some other situations)
- World Tour : crash fixed when starting a new game with more than 1 player
- World Tour : Junior ranking was changing on reload during the 1st year of your career
- World Tour : loading an old saved game with a player chosen from the base (instead of a created one) could make the game crash
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 4 - Early Version !

Postby manutoo » 29 Jan 2022, 11:39

Build 72 - SubBuild 2022.1.29:

Bug Fixes :
- Animation : the player could start to slide while volleying, leading to a wrong animation
- Animation : sliding wasn't triggering in some cases
- AI : when hitting on a end of the run, the predicted position for the CPU could be slightly wrong, leading to slightly out-of-sync animation (this is not a fix for the out-of-sync anim when the CPU arrives late on the ball ; this one will be fixed in a future update :fear: )
- Players : the outfit code wasn't applied correctly, making the World Tour players fully random
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 4 - Early Version !

Postby manutoo » 06 Feb 2022, 10:03

Build 73 - SubBuild 2022.2.6:

Changes :
- Audio : added more echo to all the umpire announces

Bug Fixes :
- AI : the CPU should now never hit the ball out of sync (although I didn't test all cases, so if you notice a case where it still doesn't work correctly, please do a Bug Report => topic5-31732.php )
- AI : the CPU wasn't stressed by playing against a much lower-ranked player than him
- Controls : the non-sliced sliding was preventing doing a defensive lob, instead of the drop shot & slice strike
- Controls : cannot run into the crowd stand anymore by doing circle running near them
- Gameplay : fixed a rare bug that was fully depleting the player energy
- Animation : since a couple of Builds, the player wasn't running anymore to the side on volleys and was doing sidesteps which were leading to weird-looking volley animations
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 4 - Early Version !

Postby manutoo » 07 Feb 2022, 06:02

Build 74 - SubBuild 2022.2.7:

Changes :
- Surface : 2D Courts updated with the latest color changes
- World Tour : boosted a bit the strength of low-ranked women, especially around the rank #100

Bug Fixes :
- AI : the CPU was air swinging instantly when he couldn't reach a ball, instead of doing nothing
- AI : fixed a couple of cases giving slightly out of sync animations with the new syncing system
- World Tour : giving a good starting rank to a Junior was giving him ranking points for the Pro Tour instead of the Junior Tour
- Modding : if a Court.ini had an incorrect Type, then the game was crashing on start
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 4 - Early Version !

Postby manutoo » 08 Feb 2022, 07:36

SubBuild 2022.2.8:

Bug Fixes :
- Modding : having copied the GameSys.ini from the Modding SDK (or just put the whole Modding SDK into your Mods folder) was making the game crash.

Important note about Modding the game :
Do not put the Modding SDK into the Mods folder. Copy only the modified files into your Mods folder. eg: "Mods\MySuperMod\Ini\Players.ATP.ini".

For GameSys.ini and other similar .ini files, do not copy it ; instead use the GameSys_Mod.ini version as explained in the Modding SDK documentation : topic11-31376.php .

This update fixed a crash coming from such an use, but others might come if you use the whole SDK as it'll prevent updates in the files present in your Mods folder.
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 4 - Early Version !

Postby manutoo » 08 Feb 2022, 18:14

Build 75 - SubBuild 2022.2.8-1:

Changes :
- Strike : lowered a bit the lob precision when your opponent isn't at the net
- Strike : lowered a tiny bit the defense lob speed, so it'll be less easy to do a winning lob with it

Bug Fixes :
- AI : fixed a bunch of issues leading to animation desync for the CPU
- Stadium : the ads, the speed & time boards had disappeared on a half of the Australian Slam stadium
- World Tour : when your player was a Junior, your doubles partner had a better ranking than you and you wanted to enter a doubles Pro tournament, you were queued after all the Pros and thus always ended in the qualifications
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 4 - Early Version !

Postby manutoo » 09 Feb 2022, 13:21

Build 76 - SubBuild 2022.2.9:

New Features :
- Helpers : you can now select different visuals for the Danger Zone ; the new ones are a bit or a lot more discreet than the original one ; you can select them in Settings -> 3d Match -> Danger Zone
- Modding : you can now Mod the Danger Zone textures

Bug Fixes :
- AI : since the previous Build, the CPU could reposition itself in the wrong place after have hit the ball
- Sound : the crowd disappointment sound wasn't playing since the big change in the sound system last month
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 4 - Early Version !

Postby manutoo » 22 Feb 2022, 13:14

Version 0.50 - Build 77 ; SubBuild 2022.2.22:

New Features :
- Animation : new volley animations, including hand-made low and high volleys (that are still adjusted by the dynamic animation system) ; the legacy volley animations are now bound to the Forehand #8, and have hand-made high volley animations
- World Tour : added handmade outfit configurations to a few players, thanks to masterp443 !

Changes :
- Gameplay : lowered the extra-reach for all the strikes when the ball is very low or very high (as the racket describes somewhat of a circle instead of a linear limit), which should avoid some weird animations and give a more realistic reach overall
- Animation : the players won't try anymore to hit the ball after it has bounced against a wall, to avoid doing weird animations

Bug Fixes :
- AI : fixed a couple of animation desync issues for the CPU
- Animation : fixed a little jerking that could happen when the human player had missed the ball
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 4 - Early Version !

Postby manutoo » 09 Mar 2022, 17:40

Version 0.52 - Build 78 ; SubBuild 2022.3.9:

New Features :
- Animation : hand-made stretching animations for the forehand & backhand when the ball is a bit too far and the player doesn't move too fast, giving more reach than the normal strikes, even stretched (1)

Changes :
- Input : updated to the latest Rewired version (it's the Unity plugin used to access your controller)
- Gameplay : slightly raised the time to stop to run when pressing a strike button so now it matches the time needed to trying to run in the opposite direction

Bug Fixes :
- Gameplay : the AutoPos could make your player goes in the wrong direction when the ball was very far
- Gameplay : the auto-positioning was a bit too incorrect when sliding
- AI : the CPU strike animation wasn't correctly synchronized with the actual hit if he started to run to the side
- AI : in some situations, the CPU wasn't deciding correctly to switch to the slice
- Animation : the players could do weird hip movement when striking the ball right after having moved
- Animation : when missing the ball, the strike animation could kinda pause for an instant
- Stadium : the 2D version of the grass court was messed up
- World Tour : doubles specialist with a low Doubles Spirit could get too high skills ; now the Doubles Spirit is raised instead
- Match Replay / Online : fixed 2 related bugs that together were leading to desync on full match replay ; this could also lead to desync when playing an online doubles match while hiding the opponent Danger Zone

Notes :
(1) - These new stretching animations don't trigger often ; their best chance is on the return of serve, so they should slightly lower the acing rate
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 4 - Early Version !

Postby manutoo » 10 Mar 2022, 10:31

Build 79 - SubBuild 2022.3.10:

Bug Fixes :
- Gameplay : the stretching animation could trigger when running away from the ball (which was preventing doing an inside out forehand)
- Gameplay : the on-the-run positioning helper wasn't doing anything at all since the last update, making it very hard to hit correctly a ball when running
- Gameplay : the players were stopping to run too slowly after having hit the ball
- Online : the game was crashing & hanging if a player you had banned was visible on the Internet game list
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 4 - Early Version !

Postby manutoo » 13 Mar 2022, 10:17

Build 80 - SubBuild 2022.3.13:

Changes :
- Animation : changed how the stretching anims make the player move, so it looks more natural (it's still a bit mechanical, but before the player was moving before the legs move, and was standing still when the legs were moving :sweat: )

Bug Fixes :
- AI : the CPU could have his animation desync if he changed his mind about his next strike
- Gameplay : the stretching anims weren't triggered when standing still or nearly still, so they were barely triggering at all
- Gameplay : the sliding anims could make your player stops to move too early
- Animation : removed another strike jerking when missing the ball
- Online : raised the timeout of the Connection Test, which should avoid a wrong initialization for people requiring the Push-Through server
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 4 - Early Version !

Postby manutoo » 13 Mar 2022, 18:01

Build 81 & 82 - SubBuild 2022.3.13-2 & 3:

Bug Fixes :
- Gameplay : the stretching animation could trigger when you were doing nothing, preventing you especially to return your opponent serves if you didn't have razor reflexes..!
- Gameplay : the stretching animation could trigger when you were doing nothing & the ball was going to the player instead of going away
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 4 - Early Version !

Postby manutoo » 16 Mar 2022, 13:00

Build 83 - SubBuild 2022.3.16:

Changes :
- Gameplay : now the stretch animation doesn't trigger if you have pressed the strike button before your opponent hit the ball (so it's easy to use the AutoPos-on-return-of-serve trick)

Bug Fixes :
- Gameplay : the stretching animation could all be messed up depending on the length of the current animation playing, usually leading to doing a forehand stretch animation instead of the backhand one, or even making the game crash
- Modding : having 2 animation bundles with the same name (ie: in 2 different mods) was making the game crash ; indeed Unity (the engine I'm using) cannot load 2 different bundles having the same names (hurry Unity, one more FTW ! :sweat: )

Notes :
- Sorry for the delay to fix these annoying bugs : I have the flu since last Sunday and I wasn't able to work at all (except light customer support) on Monday and Tuesday ; I'm still not ok and need a few days of rest, so hopefully the game will be decently playable now... :fear:
== Mana Games ==

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