@Everybody :
Updated version :
- Level 2 (Pro) and better CPU players were doing way too much faults ; they still do a bunch now, but I think it's more balanced between winners & direct faults, let me know if it's ok for you or not
- Easier to do aces
- Important change : I changed the way the limit of accelerations work..! Now, once you reached the limit, you still can do more accelerations, but you'll lose more & more precision, and more & more power, so quickly, it'll be almost impossible to put it in the court.
Also, to balance these extra accelerations, I removed 1 to the previous limit.
Let me know what u think about it, if it's better or more bad than before...
- Corrected a bug that prevented to the Levels 5 & 4 (Beginner & Club) to do enough direct fault ; now, it'll be really easier to play them
- The Nadal shot is back to b1 + middle + up + down ... This time, I did it in a clean way, so it shouldn't pop up unexpectedly when doing other combinations
Important notice :
I created an almost linear difficulty level, thus, there are (almost) infinite numbers of possible difficulty levels... (I did this since the start, even before people complaining about the step between Level 3 & 2 of the Test Version ).
So if for example Level 2 is too hard for u, look this line just below Level in the Tennis.ini :
LevelFraction = 0.0
And change it to :
LevelFraction = 0.5
Like this, the difficulty level will be almost mid-distance between the Level 2 & the Level 3.
If it's still too hard, u can try 0.7 or 0.8, and if too easy then 0.2 or 0.3 ...
managames.com/download.php?TennisElbow2008_ft2c.exe (same than link on 1st post, but avoid to have go back to look for it)
@Blacky :
2. What difficulty level have u been playing on ?
3. Switching sides in TE009 & acceleration are very similar to do the ones in TE2006 ; what really changed is the speed of the acceleration. If your opponent hits a good one when he's inside the court, u're almost sure as dead...
@btaylor :
>> Speed at volley
the exact same rules apply to the human & CPU controlled players...
I did a lil test, and could volley in good conditions against a Level 2 CPU with my own player being a volleyer (Style 4)
But you won't jump if you're not inside the service line, so if you're caught in the middle, u'll be stuck in place...
>> Service vs Returner
The returner had too much reflexes.
I tuned this, let me know what u think...
And every time a new update comes, u're welcome to complain about everything & anything !
I cannot test everything all the time, so sometimes I may miss things that don't work like they should, or even some plain bugs...