Beta : comments & suggestions

General discussions about the 1st version of Tennis Elbow Manager

Postby manutoo » 27 Mar 2007, 07:14

gofeddy, can you send me your system.log ?
Did you read the warnings with the 2 previous versions ?
== Mana Games ==

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Postby manutoo » 27 Mar 2007, 10:56

ok, thanks to gofeddy's "system.log" , I found a bug in the demo (or when there wasn't any saved game).

=====> new version : ... r_ffbn.exe

I have also slightly changed the global force of best players, and raised a little bit the dropping speed of your player skills, so the global difficulty shouldn't be changed.
== Mana Games ==

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Postby manutoo » 29 Mar 2007, 07:59

=====> new version, Beta 1.0c : ... r_ffbo.exe
/!\ Warning : the previous saved games are not compatible with this new version !

This is almost the final version !

Latest additions :
- yearly stats (only for the main player)
- titles list (both are available from the coach contract page)
- the possibility to send me directly the "system.log" file when a crash occurs (simply click on "yes")

now, only missing :
- German translation (which should be done within a couple of days)
- new music ? it seems no one cares about that, and I can't find something that really suits the needed ambiance, so I might just keep the current ones...

I'll add new requested stuff within a few months. Don't hesitate to let me know what u'd like to see, I'll add the most popular demands (if not too hard to do).
== Mana Games ==

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Postby Tennis Helmut » 30 Mar 2007, 07:58

manutoo wrote:- German translation (which should be done within a couple of days)

If you need my help, tell me what to do :wink:
Tennis Helmut
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Postby manutoo » 30 Mar 2007, 08:03

Hello Tennis Helmut,

Wolfgang just did the German translation, but thanks to have proposed ur help..! :)
== Mana Games ==

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Latest Version?

Postby michaelwest777 » 30 Mar 2007, 16:10

Is version 1.0c, the version downloadable via the link on the main page? or is there now a lter one?

Thanks for doing all this work so quickly!
court crocodile
court crocodile
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Postby manutoo » 30 Mar 2007, 16:13

all links always lead to the latest version, I never keep previous version... :)

Right now, I'm preparing the site for the final release, which should happen very soon..!
== Mana Games ==

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Postby manutoo » 31 Mar 2007, 10:47

New version to test the music in .ogg format : ... r_ffbp.exe

as I'm not 100% sure .ogg music will work or not on all PCs, I'd like you to test and let me know if there's any trouble...
(install in a new directory, or uninstall ur current version 1st, keeping ur saved games, to be sure to play the .ogg files, not the old .mid files )
== Mana Games ==

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Misplaced Tournament

Postby michaelwest777 » 31 Mar 2007, 19:32


I have just seen that there's a grass tournament in Manchester in week 9 at the Challenger level. Is that right? Or is it a bit too early? :-)
court crocodile
court crocodile
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Postby miguel_scp » 31 Mar 2007, 22:35

Hello manutoo.

What can I do to benefit the discount, since I've bought TE2006?
And, do you need a portuguese translator? ;)
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Postby lucho » 01 Apr 2007, 01:08

Hi Manu. The game is working great! I like the summary screen after each week.
I have a doubt. When playing in windowed mode, is it possible to make a match continue playing when you select another window? I mean, if I'm in the middle of a match, and I click on my Mail window, could the game continue playing that match in the background?
court crocodile
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Postby manutoo » 01 Apr 2007, 08:09

@michaelwest777 :
>> grass tournament in Manchester in week 9

yup, that's right. I changed it to Indoor Carpet..!

@ :
>> discount

here :
Everybody should gets this link in the newsletter, as soon as I'll have sent it... (still waiting a bit to be sure to not have big bug left..! )

>> Portuguese translator?

I was not thinking to translate the game to portuguese, but if you want to do it, I'll be glad to put it in the game ! :)
I created a new topic for this, here :

@lucho :
>> could the game continue playing that match in the background?

no, it's not currently possible to do that...
== Mana Games ==

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Postby michaelwest777 » 01 Apr 2007, 16:59

Hi again,

Sorry to be a nuisance. That tournament is still on grass in week 9. I downloaded the 10mb file this morning, so it may be that I got a new file too early... Or is it because I've resumed an old game?
court crocodile
court crocodile
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Postby manutoo » 01 Apr 2007, 17:12

Hello michaelwest777,

i only updated the version on the website a bit after 13:00 (french time)...
== Mana Games ==

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Postby Jippo » 03 Apr 2007, 00:15

Hey, don't know if this is the right place to post this still, but my game keeps crashing at the same place... Do you want me to send some files to you?

Also, congratulations a very well made game :)
court crocodile
court crocodile
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