New WTA MOD's 2011-2015

Everything about Modding TE2013, from new courts to the modifications of the player & tournament bases (and including all the bugs they may be creating ! ;) )
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Re: New WTA MOD's 2011-2015

Postby peteypan » 08 Mar 2016, 14:32

ThutLeLuche wrote:Hello peteypan :)
I'm trying so hard to install this mod, the thing is that my modding skills (computing skills in general I would say) are terrrible.. So I followed all the steps hoping that it would finally work but this is still not working at all.. I feel a bit ashamed but I really want to take advantge of these wonderful mods that you created.. :?
Here are my biggest issues :
- Do I need to uninstall the ITST mod to play with the WTAMOD ? If yes, I don't find the ITST folder and the Pak03.Pak that some people talk about...
- What about the _MACOSX folder? I extracted both folders from WinRar (_MACOSX and WTAMOD) but I don't know if i did right
Thank you so much for your hard work and for you answer :D

Don't be embarrassed - its quite confusing unless you're used to it.

- You shouldn't need to uninstall ITST mod I dont think.... because my mods run through the MODS folder.

- Ignore the _MACOSX folder I think.... just put the WTAMOD folders in your Mods folder and the load it like in the pictures in the first post here and it should work.
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: New WTA MOD's 2011-2015

Postby danispadi » 08 Mar 2016, 15:39

so, first of all, it's been a pleasure working with such a great person, it was a honour for me to participate in this incredible project, thank you SO much Petey :D
I'm now downloading the mods, I'm gonna give my feedback later on, but in advance, huge thanks for putting so much effort in this whole thing, it's incredible. Congratulations!
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Re: New WTA MOD's 2011-2015

Postby alfkces » 08 Mar 2016, 15:40

Thank you Peteypan for all the dedication you put into this new mod and to all the contributors . I have an issue , I install the game as you explained but my saved games are noted invalid . I dont know where the problem come from Could you help me ? thank you
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Re: New WTA MOD's 2011-2015

Postby Max Diamandis » 08 Mar 2016, 16:18

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Re: New WTA MOD's 2011-2015

Postby peteypan » 08 Mar 2016, 16:31

alfkces wrote:Thank you Peteypan for all the dedication you put into this new mod and to all the contributors . I have an issue , I install the game as you explained but my saved games are noted invalid . I dont know where the problem come from Could you help me ? thank you

Yes sorry I had to re-design the entire tournament and player base to make it all compatible with each other so old games from the old mods are now invalid, was no way I could work around it unfortunately. That's why I re-released the other mods on top of the 2015 one - because they now all link together.
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: New WTA MOD's 2011-2015

Postby Julia-Land » 08 Mar 2016, 22:41


Thanks a lot :D

I just have a few questions! You said that you added some extra strokes, which ones did you add? I can't see them :)
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Re: New WTA MOD's 2011-2015

Postby peteypan » 09 Mar 2016, 00:59

There's a Sanchez serve, Pennetta FH, Schiavone BH. Plus I dont think the Bencic/Petkovic etc FH's were in the previous mod.
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: New WTA MOD's 2011-2015

Postby Mikelchus » 09 Mar 2016, 07:40

Peteypan really big congrats and thanks for the mods. They're just awesome! For what I've seen so far there're great updates in some players strokes :applause: You just can relive the season :D
Somewhere I read you were also working on previous years mods, 2001-..., i have images and some matches so let me know if you u need any particular stuff, i may have it.
Enjoy these amazing mods everyone!! :applause:
court crocodile
court crocodile
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Re: New WTA MOD's 2011-2015

Postby loicjn » 09 Mar 2016, 10:23

I can't extract the files, it is written "error 2"... What can i do ? Thanks :)
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Re: New WTA MOD's 2011-2015

Postby peteypan » 09 Mar 2016, 10:27

Thanks Mikel :) That's great i'll let you know what i need!

lolcjn - Just try another unarchiver program, some seem to work better than others.
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: New WTA MOD's 2011-2015

Postby loicjn » 09 Mar 2016, 10:29

Thank you peteypan :)
tennis curious
Messages: 3
Gaming Since: 26 Dec 2015, 17:43

Re: New WTA MOD's 2011-2015

Postby nico75 » 09 Mar 2016, 11:04

First, a very big thanks for your work.

Second, i have only 36 players in that mod. i have downloaded the Elia's 50 and 68 character roster. I have put this in your mod, but nothing change!
Is this character roster is compatible with your WTA mod or not.
How can i have more than 36 women players?

Thank you for your answer.
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Re: New WTA MOD's 2011-2015

Postby peteypan » 09 Mar 2016, 12:36

nico75 wrote:First, a very big thanks for your work.

Second, i have only 36 players in that mod. i have downloaded the Elia's 50 and 68 character roster. I have put this in your mod, but nothing change!
Is this character roster is compatible with your WTA mod or not.
How can i have more than 36 women players?

Thank you for your answer.

Hi! I have no idea about that.... i didn't add any players to training club my mod is focused on the world tour. I suppose Elia's menu files must be different to allow that many players - probably need to transfer a file across you could ask in that thread for help on which file you need to edit :)
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: New WTA MOD's 2011-2015

Postby fabrizio1 » 09 Mar 2016, 13:23

one question i've installed your mod but when l run the mod d'ont compare list player WTA , what named i'must to write in the profile ?

thank's :applause:
tennis curious
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Re: New WTA MOD's 2011-2015

Postby UnibrowCilic » 09 Mar 2016, 15:41

Thank you Peteypan! You're a legend.
Finally can continue my postpone WTA career. But unfortunately, it says my saved file is invalid.
Does anyone who transferring her 2014 career experience like this? Would be great if you could help me.
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