[TE4] How to improve the AI ?

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Re: [TE4] How to improve the AI ?

Postby obdz » 22 Sep 2018, 20:25

I may have said this earlier, but the AI sometimes (I play Pro 10 mostly) seems to give very easy shots when it can just win it with a power shot.

Also, sometimes when I am at the baseline and the AI at the net, I give them a drop shot from the baseline and they return it at me then I get the advantage with an power short acceleration shot. So the better scenario here is that they end the point by giving me a harder drop shot.
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: [TE4] How to improve the AI ?

Postby manutoo » 22 Nov 2018, 11:30

could you check the TEM2 real-time coaching and let me know if it's what you'd like in term of "Aggression level" ?
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Re: [TE4] How to improve the AI ?

Postby percy896 » 23 Nov 2018, 06:40

manutoo wrote:percy896,
could you check the TEM2 real-time coaching and let me know if it's what you'd like in term of "Aggression level" ?

Absolutely. I should have some time tomorrow to check it out!
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: [TE4] How to improve the AI ?

Postby percy896 » 23 Nov 2018, 23:40

Ok, first impressions: I love that you're including this! The sliders are great. I'm assuming this would be editable in the .ini files for computer players, right?

Not entirely sure what the difference is between "Attack Will" and "Aim for the Lines". I have some guesses but it's hard to see in the gameplay. Which brings me to a second observation: My player almost always does better when I make him less aggressive, especially with Aim for the Lines. With Aim for the Lines high, he just makes easy error often, including net errors, without any more winners. With it low, he'll still play fairly aggressively at times, but just doesn't make errors. This is similar with Attack Will but seems less pronounced.

The most I test it, the more I wonder what the difference between those two stats are. And the more I see that there is more balance than I initially thought.
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: [TE4] How to improve the AI ?

Postby manutoo » 24 Nov 2018, 08:47

yes, I'm planning to add all the coaching values to the Players.ini, so it'd be possible to customize the way each player plays. That would fill many user requests at once..! :yes:

A negative Aim For the Line will raise the minimal distance to aim from the lines in all cases. A positive one will lower it, but only for the normal & short accelerations.

The Attack Will alters the likeliness for a player to do an acceleration on any ball, in a very close manner than the Defender attacks less often than the Power Baseliner.

Aim for the Lines shouldn't alter the ball-in-net ratio. You may have either a confirmation bias in action there, or a too low sample of strikes. (or maybe it could be from indirect consequences, by changing the whole rally flow ? :thinking: )

That Aim for the Lines raises or not the winner ratio will highly depend on the situation : if the opponent is fast enough to catch most balls near the line, then it won't have a definitive effect. :fear:
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Re: [TE4] How to improve the AI ?

Postby percy896 » 25 Nov 2018, 04:15

Excellent! Thanks for the explanation. These features are fantastic. Can't wait to play around with it more!

I have another question. I noticed that there is "stress" now in real time. Love that. Is this affected by Cold Blood, a new stat, or a combination of stats? When you combine this stress or "mental toughness" with more aggressive play, does the player tend to be able to hit great winners in important moments? Can they actually improve their accuracy, or something like this? Otherwise, what I can see happening is the players who are conservative may end up winning the important stressful points more often.
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: [TE4] How to improve the AI ?

Postby manutoo » 25 Nov 2018, 10:20

The only skill linked to stress is Cold Blood. It only lowers skills, not improve them.
Being conservative also means giving more easy balls to attacks, so once again it's hard to predict a general result between all the forces on the scale... :fear:
== Mana Games ==

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