by BabyManuu » 15 Jun 2016, 08:19
Hi Daddy, may I give you some recommendation for your new game? I'd like to have more fun in game and potentially a ferrari, so please listen to me.
The main focus for TE4 should be the footwork: better animations and more variation in the legs' speed (we need to explicitly see the little foot step to adjust your shot... as we do in real life ; alternatively, bigger steps at the net or in acceleration).
This will have multiple impact and objectives in terms of gameplay and marketing: solve the embarassing "soap" feeling of the movement, decrease rally length/backboarding and make the game more appealing/realistic overall.
Gameplay: with better legs/chest animations, players will have more visual informations to manage what is now the "elite controls".
Nowadays the elite control is just a random generator of unforced errors due to this lack of visual informations. It exclusively promotes and rewards passive strategy, players who are just waiting for the opponent to generate a fault. Totally boring despite its potential.
With more visual informations, you'd be more responsible of your UE, hence less frustration and more pleasure for the players.
Marketing: if you make the gameplay more complex, you create even more barriers to entry for the consumers, that's not good for your retention rate and acquisition. But in video, it will look way better: you will definitely enlarge your target audience with such an improvement. With this you may also be able to develop the e-sport aspect of your game.
Cost: Dungeon Dragons will finally become a useful project. The huge money you made with it can be reinvested in Motion Capture or in a team of specialists able to produce great animations. This cost will turn profitable in the long run: you may finally be able to generate an e-sport interest around your game and attract a massive community, sponsors etc.
ps: People don't really need awesome graphics/arts, they need a great UI (menu) to know how to launch a game/play multiplayer/change settings and great animations in-game because it impacts the way you play the game, the feeling, the tactical options. It gives more depth to the game: that's partly why ITST is popular I guess.
For the graphics update part of your game, check what the developer of Mount and Blade did with Mount and Blade: Warband for reference, it's largely sufficient as an update. Never forget that one of the best feature of your game is actually not a feature: it's the ability to play it on a ridiculously low config.