Tennis Elbow Manager 2 - Early Version Comments

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Re: Tennis Elbow Manager 2 - Early Version !

Postby jmbockhorst » 07 Mar 2018, 19:50

Love the game so far! Great job! Here are some bugs I have found so far:

1) When given a wildcard to a futures tournament because it was in my country (US F6 and Aptos, CA) I got the message "You have been given a wildcard to Unknown Code !!"


2) When viewing a tournament (Miami in this case) I would scroll to the right to see future rounds and it would go blank. In the bottom left it said [page 5/2]. Then I would go back and it would be blank too and I kept clicking around a bunch. Then in the bottom left it said [page 67108864/8] and then it crashed.


3) When I didn't get selected for Davis cup it had a weird message.


4) I won a tournament at the end of the year and my entry rank when up by about 50, but it said +0.


5) Almost every player I played towards the end of my second year had almost every ability maxed out. Even players ranked 100+. I can send my saved game if you need it.


6) During week 30 it showed random tournaments


7) The junior tournaments show up on the pro tour results and vice versa

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Re: Tennis Elbow Manager 2 - Early Version !

Postby cpraftery » 08 Mar 2018, 17:46

Couple of quick things from setting up a game.

Selecting a nation as mentioned - annoying, especially for UK players as were near the end! However on TEM1 you could go back from A to save time, but you can't on TEM2. Might be a quick fix if a drop down selection isn't easy to code.

Secondly, move the X for quitting the game from the top centre of the screen - it looks like it's just to exit a screen, rather than the whole game completely. Already had to restart a game once because I lost everything when I was looking around the screens on week one (so it hadn't autosaved) and pressed that instead of back. I can see me, and many others, doing that out of habit throughout the game. Does it need to be on every screen, or just the main menu? Can it not be hidden out of the way so no one accidentally clicks on it instead of back?

Still though, so so looking forward to testing this out. I already know I'm ordering the final version anyway - TEM has given me far too many hours of fun (or time lost, depending on whose view you take!)
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Re: Tennis Elbow Manager 2 - Early Version !

Postby manutoo » 08 Mar 2018, 22:38

thanks to you detailed report, today's update fixed your 1) 2) 3) 6) 7) , so I added you in the Credits for Quality Insurance..! :yes:

4) I'd need your saved game for this one, preferably before the final

5) I tested and it worked normally ; if it's from a game started with the Build before the one from yesterday, then I likely fixed the bug already. If not, then I'd need your saved game as well.

1) ouch, of course the countries should have been circling..! It is now fixed thanks to your report ! :yes:

2) I changed the tooltip from "Exit" to "Exit Game" ; idem in the confirmation menu. I guess like this not many people would click twice by mistake... :)

Personnally, I don't like to have to go back many menus just to exit the game, that's why I like to have an exit button in nearly each menus...
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow Manager 2 - Early Version !

Postby anaum91 » 09 Mar 2018, 18:59

Hey Manutoo, i had look on Devmode, but there is no enter score button. :(
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Re: Tennis Elbow Manager 2 - Early Version !

Postby Ufiors » 09 Mar 2018, 19:18

A bug i noticed is this one: In the player profile, in the career informations for title and match wins, you can see only the stats for the year on progress. If you start in 2014 for example, in 2015 you will see the career stats set to zero again.

Manutoo, the players regeneration how it work? only for my curiosity, i would like to see it in first person, but we can play only 2 years with demo version
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Re: Tennis Elbow Manager 2 - Early Version !

Postby jmbockhorst » 09 Mar 2018, 22:55

I've found a few more bugs:

1) When starting a new game, after you've chosen your player's abilities, when you change the country, it resets your player's abilities and doesn't give the stars back. This can result in your player having no special abilities.

2) On a player's activity page, it shows all their tournaments when both pro and junior tours are selected. So pro tournaments show up on their junior schedule and vice versa.


3) When you view a player's activity page from a tournament draw screen, it shows up as blank.


I also emailed you my saved game for that bug I that was happening before, when players were being maxed out. You can see this if you go to the rankings and view their character sheets.
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Re: Tennis Elbow Manager 2 - Early Version !

Postby Curious » 10 Mar 2018, 05:11

Is all you do in junior mode change objectives and press next week? Cause it takes a long time to train skills to be able to win anything..

When you press back in junior mode (maybe pro too) then when you press coaching again it stands on back on not directly into training which is a little bit annoying..

Would have been nice to see some changes in your abilities as well in stead of its the exact same both as a coach and when you give your player stars..
Not sure its worth buying a new version when there are so little added extra features..

Re: Tennis Elbow Manager 2 - Early Version !

Postby jmbockhorst » 10 Mar 2018, 05:50

Curious wrote:Is all you do in junior mode change objectives and press next week? Cause it takes a long time to train skills to be able to win anything..

I would agree. On club difficulty, it shouldn't be that hard to be able to win some matches and rise in the junior rankings. However, I've barely been able to even win a match.
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Re: Tennis Elbow Manager 2 - Early Version !

Postby Strikeware203 » 10 Mar 2018, 11:32

Hey Manutoo! I'm trying out the game right now and I haven't found any bugs yet. What I did notice is that junior player Thiago Tirante (Argentina) appears to be 23 years old and playing in the pro circuit while in reality he's only 16 years old! Is this database final? Because all other players seem to be correct, it's weird that it only happens with one player.
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Re: Tennis Elbow Manager 2 - Early Version !

Postby manutoo » 10 Mar 2018, 14:27

the "Enter Score" button is shown on bottom right under the "Done" button once you have finished the match.

regeneration is almost same than in TEM1, except now it's done in realtime instead being precalculated, and thus the results are different for each game.

1) 3) Fixed !
And thanks to your saved game, I fixed the too strong players..!

2) For this one, it's actually not a bug ; it's something I hesitate about : the main thing is that Junior tournament can give points for Pro rankings and thus are counted ; if I remove them when the "Pro" filter is on, then someone carefully checking his total of counted tournament might get very confused.
So maybe I could only hide the Pro tournaments when the Junior filter is on, but I'll wait to see what other people feel about that... :)

Curious & jmbockhorst,
I raised a bit the training efficiency in Club difficulty, although in my test in Junior difficulty, I won a couple of matches after 6 months of training.
But it mostly depends of luck, as you can meet a 17-yo opponent on 1st round. IIRC it kinda works like this in real life, although there are a lot more tournaments so it might be easier to find a tournament with only low ranked players.
Maybe I could split the Junior tournaments, and put 1 tournament per week being only for players aged 14-15, so we would get 2 tournaments per week but each being a draw of 16 players ?

A bunch of new small features should come in the next couple of months, plus I'm still planning to add the realtime 3D match coaching.

player bases are almost final.
Low ranked players aren't realistic, they are just filler for the lower rankings, that's why they can be moved around the years... :)
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow Manager 2 - Early Version !

Postby jmbockhorst » 10 Mar 2018, 17:22

manutoo wrote:Maybe I could split the Junior tournaments, and put 1 tournament per week being only for players aged 14-15, so we would get 2 tournaments per week but each being a draw of 16 players ?

Yeah I like this idea.
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Re: Tennis Elbow Manager 2 - Early Version !

Postby MichaelTA » 10 Mar 2018, 20:58

I just played through the two year trial period and there were a few issues I found (My playthrough was on the Junior tour only, Pro difficulty):

1) Small grammatical issue - When selecting a tour it states "Men Tour" and "Women Tour" instead of "Men's Tour" and "Women's Tour".

2) Whenever in the character customisation screen, the default hair style doesn't appear to be in one of the 6 styles, although the hair styles 1 and 3 seem to be the same. I would also recommend that a bald hair style should be an option.

3) Any autosaves are saving to slots H, I and J instead of W, X, Y and Z.

4) When choosing to rest, the favour skills or potential option appears.

5) On the Junior calendar, week 48 has a tournament in Nassau, India. It appears directly below the tournament in Nassau, Bahamas.

6) When selecting the country on the character creation screen (the screen where talents are selected), my character's height and weight randomly changed from 185cm, 71kg to 153cm, 49kg.

7) I set my height and weight to 182cm, 70kg on the screen where the character's talents were selected, but on the next screen (which shows the skills of the character) they were changed to 185cm, 80kg for no apparent reason.

8) Whenever I was bodybuilding and jogging, my reflexes and speed only very slightly increased compared to the other 3 physical stats (1.4% reflexes, 10% strength) (4.3% speed, 12.4% stamina, 12.3% tonicity).

9) A suggestion I have is to give an option to view height in feet and inches.

10) After I viewed my first match (2017 Australian Open 1st Round) and after I played my first match (2017 Wimbledon) this screen appeared instead of my character's screen


This is my actual character


11) I reopened the game after I completed the 2 year trial period, and this happened. I'm guessing that this is due to me having TE2013 and TEM installed (full version of both), but could any other issues be due to this?




The version of TEM2 that I used was whatever version was able to be downloaded today.
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Re: Tennis Elbow Manager 2 - Early Version !

Postby MichaelTA » 10 Mar 2018, 21:12

I should point out that I cannot play TEM2 at all anymore due to issue 11. All content is saved in the "Tennis Elbow Manager 2" folder so I don't understand why that issue is occurring.
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Tennis Elbow Manager 2 - Early Version !

Postby MichaelTA » 10 Mar 2018, 21:15

manutoo wrote:Maybe I could split the Junior tournaments, and put 1 tournament per week being only for players aged 14-15, so we would get 2 tournaments per week but each being a draw of 16 players ?

I like this idea too
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Tennis Elbow Manager 2 - Early Version !

Postby jmbockhorst » 11 Mar 2018, 04:01

I've found a few more bugs:

1) There's a lot of weird things going on with the player stats.
-Pro tour stats counts junior stats
-Current summary stats shows nothing
-Junior summary stats have a lot of crazy numbers



2) A junior player who won a grand slam made it to the London masters event for the pros as the 8 seed. I assume because he won a junior grand slam.


3) Junior tournament wins show up on career title screen as "TET250". They are also labeled that in other places in the game.


4) Coaches yearly summary and score only shows up for the current year when you start the game as a pro.


5) After you graduate the junior tour, the player still plays the scheduled tournaments, even though they have no junior ranking anymore.

6) This is not really a bug, but more of a suggestion.
-I think I would be good to differentiate between junior and pro tournaments on the players schedule. In the image you can see both pro and junior tournaments look the same on the players schedule.
-Same thing on the coaches yearly stats page. Show what years were juniors verses the pro ones.



I also emailed you multiple saved games with some more specific bugs.
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