here the 1st demo to try :
Windows : https://www.managames.com/predownload_en ... M2_ev1.exe
MacOS : https://www.managames.com/predownload_en ... ac_ev1.pkg (if you report a bug, please specify you use the MacOS version)
There's likely a ton of little (and maybe bigger) bugs. I won't be able to work on it tomorrow and I'm not sure for the following days so I release it now if anyone feels adventurous...
(EDIT March 30th: it should be mostly bug free now, thanks to all the user reports done in this topic ! )
Comments :
Old comments are moved there so the changelog will be easier to follow : https://www.managames.com/Forum/topic11-29726.php
List of already implemented new features since TEM1 :
- Men Tour starts in 1973 & Women Tour in 1983
- Fictional years are generated in real-time, so each playthrough sees different top players in the future
- Junior players, management and training
- New menu design
- Olympics
- Better injury handling (eg: can go on playing with the risk to get more injured)
- Training Schedule (can save a training schedule & reapply it)
- Modding : can have a completely different Tournament list each year
- 3D Matches with real-time coaching
Main future features :
EDIT November 4th 2018: all the new important features are in the game now ; so here the list of the little things left to do
- Polishing and possibly a few more actions for the real-time coaching, plus experience boost
- Porting the game to the Unity engine (it'll help with compatibility with many different computers, and with font clarity in the menus)
- New Coach Center in 3D, with Medical Center
- Focus skill (it'll allow having slow players who still hit correctly the ball when they're a bit late on it)
- A few new Talents
- Little things here & there
What to test ?
The main things to check and report are :
- Junior training and management ; the idea for the training is that your player should reach arond 20% in all skills and 100% in all potentials around 18 years old ; I tuned for that in Junior difficulty level so it should be easy in Club and tough in Pro and likely impossible in Incredible (but I only tested in Junior difficulty so I'm not sure)
- the game should globally still works as well (and bad) than TEM1, so let me know of any new bugs
- are the new menus easy to use and consult ?
Saved Games
If I ask you how to send your saved games, here's HowTo : https://www.managames.com/Forum/topic19-4589.php . (with "C:\Program Files (x86)\Tennis Elbow Manager 2" instead of "C:\Program Files (x86)\Tennis Elbow Manager" )
Free Key for TEM1 Buyers
People who have bought TEM1 from managames.com since last August 2017 got a free Key for TEM2. If you didn't receive it, you can ask it to be resent from here : https://www.managames.com/Key_en.php?Lost .
Known Bug on MacOS
It might not be possible to change the player colors with High Sierra. It'll be fixed when the game is ported to the Unity engine, in many months.
How to buy the game ?
You can buy the game from the order page that pops up when you close the demo, or from here : https://www.managames.com/tennismanager/order_en.html .
Play the 3D Matches
If you want to play the 3D matches, edit "C:\Program Files (x86)\Tennis Elbow Manager 2\Tennis.ini" (or your Profile .ini if you have created one) and change this line, under [3dEngine], from :
DevMode = 0
to :
DevMode = 1
Then save & launch the game, click on "Back", then on the "Training Club" icon, and there you'll be in the messy land of old TE2013 menus with the new TEM2 menu parameters...