=== From the game ===
To send me a Bug Report, press the Scroll Lock key (next to the Print key).
If you don't have a Scroll Lock key on your keyboard, you can bind another key in Settings -> Controls -> Shortcuts -> Send Bug Report.
It'll send me :
- the game log
- a screenshot of your current screen
- the .dmo of your current match, if you didn't turn off its recording (or the .dmo of the match replay you're currently watching)
- if relevant, your saved games will also be automatically attached to it, as well as the player & tour bases if you have some custom ones
=== Manually ===
To send me your saved games, you should :
1- Launch the game, click on World Tour -> Load Game -> Open Profile Folder on the bottom left
2- Then send me the 2 or 3 most recent files .sav (with their .ini & .match if available) from that folder if you play with men ; or the "Wta" subfolder if you play with women
Join your Player, Category and Tournament bases if you modified them.
Sometimes, I'll also need the log file (especially in case of a crash), which is located here by default :
- Mana Games version : "C:\Program Files (x86)\Tennis Elbow Manager 2\Tennis Elbow Manager 2_Data\output_log.txt"
- Steam version : "<SteamFolder>\SteamApps\common\Tennis Elbow Manager 2\Tennis Elbow Manager 2_Data\output_log.txt"
- macOs version : "~/Library/Containers/unity.ManaGames.TennisElbowManager2/Data/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log"
- Steam macOs version : "~/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log"
If I request your "Tennis.ini", I refer to this file in the Data Folder :
- Tennis.ini
or, if you have created a custom Profile, this one :
- Profiles\[NameOfYourProfile].ini
Compress everything in a .zip, .rar or .7z file (to reduce the size), and send it to : contact (at) managames -dot- com .
Alternatively, you can upload your .zip to https://www.mediafire.com and post the link in the Forum.
How to compress to .zip ?
- On Windows : select all files you want to compress, then right-click -> send to -> compressed (zipped) folder
- On Mac OSX : select all files you want to compress, then right-click -> Create Archive