Tennis Elbow 2009 Suggestions

General discussions about the 2nd edition of Tennis Elbow

Postby Guest » 25 Jun 2008, 20:47

It would be nice if there were mental skills we could define for CPU's like in TEM (consistancy, cold blood, concentration) just for the CPU's.

Also, will we be able to watch CPU matches? Because that would be excellent!

Postby Guest » 09 Jul 2008, 16:56

1. I would love to be able to hit hard shots all the time. Because its nice to get into a nice hard hitting rally then after like 10 shots it starts popping up.

2. I would love to have both a 2 handed backhand and 2 handed forehand.

3. Make speed and footwork part of the game.

4.New Australian Open surface.

5. Make it easier to change and ad new courts.

6. Zoom in and Zoom out to see if the shot was really in or out. Because I have had some shots be right on the line and be called out.

Postby Guest » 15 Jul 2008, 10:23

more unforced erros

Postby Hibachi » 18 Jul 2008, 08:28

I would love to see the game be more realistic than TE 2006. It is so hard for me to make any unforced errors in the game. Not a plethora but definitely a lt more. I would also like to see the game be overall more realistic. Honestly I think it's way too arcadey. I'm tired of arcade tennis games. I know TE is probably gonna continue to be aracdey and easy to play/ hit winners but i'd like to see a risk being taken to make it very realistic. I also think that the player models should be more realistic as well as i noticed while watching the youtube previews 1 and 2 of this game that the players look like they're gliding. I would like to see more realistic tennis movements where it look like the players are running. Lastly you should t be able to have rallys at the net while the other player is at the baseline. Nobody has that long arms. It's ridiculous. I know it seems like im anti tennis elbow but on the contrary. i think it's a decent game but every game needs improvement.
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Different movement based on surface

Postby bobbyrookie » 23 Jul 2008, 10:07

Along with the differences in the bounces on different surfaces (which, btw, as far as I can tell is quite negligible. Maybe I'm a retard, but I can't see the difference in the rebound between clay and grass), it would be good if the players had to move differently on different surfaces. For example, there should be slide on clay. A player shouldn't be able to stop on a dime and reverse field. There should be a little slide on grass as well. There should be almost no slide on cement.

So that's one suggestion I have for the next edition. It's a pretty solid game as it is though.

Re: Different movement based on surface

Postby Tom Paulman » 23 Jul 2008, 14:57

bobbyrookie wrote:I can't see the difference in the rebound between clay and grass

These are completely different surfaces and you should be able to feel it when you play, that grass is way faster and the ball bounces lower...

Anyway, it's been a year since I've been playing this game in a full version and I think it needs more variety, but I already wrote it a couple of months back. At least make more colors for one surface (like the purple courts in Miami or green indoor courts in Lyon) and make the background wall look different at different tournaments, at least at a grand slam, so that it's evident that we are not playing an ordinary tournament.
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Maybe it's the latter

Postby bobbyrookie » 23 Jul 2008, 15:33

Maybe I am in fact a retard then.

btw-I visited Prague in February. Absolutely loved it! Amazing city!

Re: Maybe it's the latter

Postby Tom Paulman » 23 Jul 2008, 22:26

bobbyrookie wrote:btw-I visited Prague in February. Absolutely loved it! Amazing city!

I'm glad you liked it :)
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Postby Guest » 25 Jul 2008, 15:02

When is the next version available?

Postby Guest » 12 Aug 2008, 11:38

maybe add a tournament of the olympic games, that you can play every 4 years :D

Postby Guest » 17 Aug 2008, 16:23

Another function would be very cool, spectator function for online players.

Postby Guest » 17 Aug 2008, 16:52

A suggestion is to use soft ball sounds and not that hard sounds like you use now when you serve, a ball bounce and stuff.

I mean sound of the ball like in Top spin here: ... re=related

Postby R.Gasquet » 07 Sep 2008, 04:20

They should get rid of some of the graphics faults. eg, like when the ball is behind the person, and they manage to do a full power forehand, or when the take a full swing at the ball in a smash position and its a dropshot :angry5: and those ridiculous swervy shots :angry5:
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Postby Tom Paulman » 13 Sep 2008, 13:00

I'm missing some special button that will make the player throw the racket on the floor in anger :lol:
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Postby Algo » 13 Sep 2008, 15:48

Tom Paulman wrote:I'm missing some special button that will make the player throw the racket on the floor in anger :lol:

me too, or a button to celebrate :lol:
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