Tennis Elbow 2009 Suggestions

General discussions about the 2nd edition of Tennis Elbow

Postby Serena_Fan » 04 Apr 2008, 22:25

we should be able to sign contracts and endorsements. Oh and we should choose like rackets and stuff. Like I prefer the oversize.
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Postby Tom Paulman » 04 Apr 2008, 23:10

Super tie-break in doubles would be nice!
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Postby TTennisfan » 12 Apr 2008, 18:18

When the TE 2008 will be released!!!
Record 09(singles): 28-15 Record 09(doubles): 1-2
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S.F: Newport,

Record 2008: 44-13
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F:Rome, Roland Garros, Bangkok, Vienna, Madrid, Shanghai
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Postby Christopher » 14 Apr 2008, 15:00

I think that the player should be able to return lobs better. In reality, no player would move backwards from the net to the baseline to return a lob; they would turn around and run to the ball. In TE2006, the backward movement, I think, is too slow. It is too difficult to get to the lobs.

Postby TTennisfan » 14 Apr 2008, 15:08

i would like too that the grass court willn't look like a court from The Middle AGe! with Wimbledon in the bottom it will be great
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Postby A-Rad » 16 Apr 2008, 21:17

Id only add female players, maybe some grunts ;) and doublehanded backhand :D
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Postby ahmedcoolio » 20 Apr 2008, 13:14

ya it wud be gr8 if we had like COME ON or VAMOS in the preset chat buttons
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Postby Tom Paulman » 20 Apr 2008, 14:05

I tried to play TE on a widescreen laptop and I think that it would be fantastic to add possibility to switch to 16:9 screen. It would probably solve the problem that you can't often see a player when returning at corners and at the same time, it would look better without those black margins at left & right.

I'm not a programmer but I guess that the hardest thing about it would be adding the extra graphics.
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Postby manutoo » 20 Apr 2008, 14:56

16:10 support is already done for TE2008, I am now looking for artist to add the missing art, as it's the most difficult part, as Tom Paulman noticed... ;)

And TE2008 will be hopefully out for next September...
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Postby Tom Paulman » 20 Apr 2008, 15:05

manutoo wrote:16:10 support is already done for TE2008, I am now looking for artist to add the missing art, as it's the most difficult part, as Tom Paulman noticed... ;)

And TE2008 will be hopefully out for next September...

Great! But I hope you meant to say "this September", haha.
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Postby Togtdaylttai » 09 Jun 2008, 03:04

I'd like it if you could see yourself wherever you move and also if you could tell the cpu what shot to hit you in warm-up. Serves in warm-up would be nice too, as others have already mentioned. I look forward to September's release of TE 2008!
Record (since coming back from ban): 24-6
#19 (Too bad I got myself banned, otherwise I'd be #11, even without the tournaments I missed)
Winner: Banja Luka, Vienna
F: Paris
SF: Newport, Bucharest, Beijing, Tokyo, Basel
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Postby kyuuji » 09 Jun 2008, 18:34

When the game will be released ?
2012 Results: 14-9
2011 Results: 28-9 (75.6%)
2010 Results: 40-16 (71.4%)
2009 Results: 60-26 (69.7%)
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Postby Algo » 10 Jun 2008, 00:02

hopefully september as manutoo said just a few post above lol
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Postby stuey » 15 Jun 2008, 21:11

Only one little suggestion - if you can make that we can exit from World Tour match into the game menu (or world tour menu).

For example, I'm playing a World Tour match vs cpu and suddenly I arrange an online match with someone, so I want to exit my world tour match and go to the game menu (or to world tour menu and just go back to main menu) and network games. But to do that, I have to exit the whole game (by pressing 'save match and exit' button) and then reopen it. That's kind of annoying.

So please, if possible, make a 'save match and leave to world tour menu' button :)

Thank you :)
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Postby stuey » 17 Jun 2008, 07:34

Oh, and one more thing. Now we can see in results in ongoing matches only number of games won by each player; is it possible that we see the number of points in a current game as well?

For example, instead of 4-6 3-3 that we see 4-6 3-3 30-15, or instead of 6-6 that we see 6-6, 5-2 in tiebreak etc. That would be really nice :)

Of course, someone mentioned that it would be nice if we could 'go into' the match and see players playing as we are in court audience, that is also very very nice :) , I just guess it's complicated, isn't it?

Thanks :)
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