https://www.managames.com/tennis/doc/Te ... ml#networkthen =>
topic8-3102.phpIn short, the main advices are :
- try the UDP Port 80 instead of 4321 ; or try the UDP Port 54321 instead of 4321
- turn off your Firewall
- alternatively, delete Tennis Elbow from your Firewall, so it should ask you to add Tennis Elbow again the next time you play online
- set your router to "Forward all", or set your PC to DMZ (be sure you don't have security issue on your PC if you do that) ; if not better, try Bridge mode instead of Router mode (if your Router has a Bridge mode)
- check your Windows Network is a "Private network", not "Public Network" (Tutorial =>
http://www.opentechguides.com/how-to/ar ... -type.html ) ; or try to allow TE2013 in Windows Firewall even on Public network.
Update December 2020 : (only for TE2013, not TE4)
if you don't have a public IPv4 (ie: either no IPv4 from your ISP at all, or a private IPv4 encapsulated within IPv4 or IPv6 at your ISP level), then you won't be able to be joined by people using the server list.
You should still be able to be joined by providing your IPv6 to another player, which he should enter in the "Join Remote Game" IP. (I might have tested that a decade ago, so I'm not sure it's still working
Update March 2022 :If you're behind a
CGNat, you'll never be able to host.
Update May 2022 :I just got the dreaded "it was working before but now it doesn't work" ; after a lot of checking, I found out that the UPnP IGD service of my Sagem Router (from Orange ISP) wasn't working anymore..!
I was able to fix that by updating the firmware. Although it's possible that just
turning it off and on again would have been enough.
Alternatively, it's possible that a factory reset could have helped.
Update April 2024 :If TE4 proposes you to assign the Temporary IPv6, try it, it might solve your issues ; people who have only an IPv4 won't be able to join you though.
Alternatively, assigning your static IPv6 should let you very easily open the port in your router firewall (not a NAT / Port forwarding rule, really the IPv6 firewall) ; again, people who have only an IPv4 won't be able to join you.