Br0ger wrote:I like this reputations system, because I can avoid unfair and annoying people.
I wish people would stop giving out bad rep for absolutely no reason. Today I got bad repped at least twice, I have no idea why. I always play a fair game, I don't insult anyone (I never even say anything in the chat), I rarely go to the menu or switch to other app. But some people still enjoy giving bad reputation, even if they beat me 6-3, like today....
I agree with you! I appreciate the reputation, because it allows me to know the really bad players. Still, I find myself wondering how some players have a good reputation when I play them, because they can be really disrespectful (but again that is a reason I can give them a bed rep at the end).
I also notice though that people are more likely to give you a bad rep then they are anything else. For example, very rarely (and I do mean very rarely) do I receive a good rep after I defeat a player with 1400+ ELO (I have 1700). I think they are really competitive, so when they lose, most probably just don't have it in them to give a good rep to say good match lol.
But that leads to why my reputation never gets about 50%. Right now I'm at 37%, simply because I win more matches than I lose, and most of those matches people want to give nothing or a bad rep just for losing. Before my last match, I had a reputation of 44%, but now it is 37%. The reason why? Because we had a close match, and after one long point, my opponent came to the net and I hit a sharp angle pass that hit the net. I did a fist pump, and my opponent paused the match and said that I shouldn't be fist pumping on balls that hit the net

I hadn't even done any gestures of any sort before or after that point, and I told him I played a good point and thats why I did it....he gave me a bad rep after he lost the match in a tiebreaker.
So, yeah, overall it helps identify "very bad" rep players. It also is frustrating, though, to be a fair player and know that you are going to get a bad rep 50% of the time just for winning a match.
Maybe a limit could be made on how many bad reps someone can give per day or in a row. It is very unlikely that you would play a bad player three times in a row, for eample. Maybe their reputation can start to go down if they are handing out an unnecessary amount of bad reps per day. Or for example, if their average rep vote is a bad rep, then their reputation goes down. If someone is giving out bad reps, in turn, they should also be giving good reps to the ones that deserve it.