the new reputation system has been running for almost 2 weeks, how do you feel about it ?
Is it good, bad, or without any influence ?
Do you avoid players with bad reputation ?
If you got bad rep, did you feel other players were avoiding you ?
EDIT - Rules :
- if you don't play for a while, your reputation will slowly lower to 40% if it's above 40%, will slowly raise to 0% if it's under 0%, and if in between, it won't move
- your reputation is smoothed in during your 40 first online games (since the reputation system has been created) ; so, for example, if you get a negative vote on your 1st match, you'll see your reputation slowly going down for the next 39 matches even if you don't get any more neg vote
- newer votes are slightly more important than older votes
- you can give vote even at 0/0 or after a few games, but it will count less than a vote at the end of the match