Cant Play Online Games

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Cant Play Online Games

Postby FedererDeniz » 21 Jun 2017, 23:18

I cant play online games. It gives an error about the UDP PORT 4321. what can i do now? i saw somewhere this problem in the forums, but couldnt find the solution
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Re: Cant Play Online Games

Postby manutoo » 22 Jun 2017, 08:19


=> topic8-9923.php .
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Cant Play Online Games

Postby FedererDeniz » 23 Jun 2017, 11:54

well Manuto i really tried everything that wrote there. Also i was able to play online months ago, than my pc resetted, and i download the game again and i cant play this time. Someone can help me with the teamwiever or skype? I really wanna play online.
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Re: Cant Play Online Games

Postby FedererDeniz » 23 Jun 2017, 13:07

Manuto my connection service asked me the ip of the game. it should be something like 192.168.1.x they told me if you can learn the ip than we can create the port 4321. can you tell me the ip for the game please?
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Re: Cant Play Online Games

Postby manutoo » 24 Jun 2017, 06:21

As I told you by email :
Server = your PC
So Server IP = your PC IP on your local network. So maybe is ok, you should check it's your IP ; this website can tell you => ... ip-address ( in big blue rectangle at top of the page :) )
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Cant Play Online Games

Postby kingdjokovic » 01 Jul 2017, 14:43

hey manu, I have the exact same problem. I set it up on the router settings just as it's instructed and it works day on day off, really weird...
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