Got a Stupid CPU in Doubles ? Provide your .dmo !

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Got a Stupid CPU in Doubles ? Provide your .dmo !

Postby manutoo » 02 May 2014, 04:41


I'm going to start to work on TE2013 v1.0d on next week, and I'm going to try to fix some of the issues your CPU doubles partner gives you, but to do so, I'd need .dmo's to see the exact issues (from an unmodded game), preferably with it happening within the first 2 games of the match (coz it's much faster to test & re-test in such case).
List the scores where the issues arise & provide a short description so I'll know exactly what to look for.

How to do a .dmo => topic5-4588.php .
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Got a Stupid CPU in Doubles ? Provide your .dmo !

Postby Nigogu » 02 May 2014, 16:45

Hello, Good news :!:
I would like to report this 2 things i have detected while playing doubles:
-The partner changes abruptly of side with just ''touching'' a bit of his half, sometimes leaving balls to his side, to bounce twice. :tongue:
-CPU is too close to return smashes, sometimes in danger zone or closer, in real life, the players are as far as possible to smashes. :scratch:
I'll try to provide a .dmo this weekend :yes: , i don't have time now :oops:

Kind regards,
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crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Volley CPU / Centre Line Spamming

Postby Heinrich von Westphalen » 05 May 2014, 07:37

Hello ManuToo,
I'm not very experienced in doubles but I want to report two things which I have noticed during my few doubles matches on tour (I just checked first 3 games of .dmo):

  1. CPU did a lot of same kind of fault at net when he / she tries to volley. This volley is always too long. Can't be serious that (experienced) opponents forced CPU into this which produces 80 - 90% of my UEs by this way.
    It appears at [0/0] 15/0 and 40/15, [0/1] 0/0, [1/1] 15/40.

  2. Experienced players spam the centre line of court to confuse CPU (responsibility to run to ball) which is an obvious bug forcing tactic.
    It appears at [0/0] 0/0 (3 times), [0/1] 0/0 (7 times), 15/0 (2 times) [1/1] 0/0, 15/0 and 15/15 ... either it should be forbidden or fixed.

Kind regards,
Heinrich von Westphalen
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Got a Stupid CPU in Doubles ? Provide your .dmo !

Postby manutoo » 06 May 2014, 04:40

thanks for your .dmo , I'll look into it very soon ! :yes:
== Mana Games ==

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