Hosting game problem reappers after years

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Hosting game problem reappers after years

Postby Sukuth » 21 Dec 2013, 02:02

Hello my dear tennis friends,

after being a (silent) member of the Tennis Elbow online gaming communty for more than 2 years now, I consider myself an addict. :P hehe. Well, the thing is, that I am nowadays having problems with being able to host an online game. I had this problem when I was starting to play back then, spending hours testing my router and finally being able to host. Nowadays I decided to move and I was forced to change my ISP and my troubles started again. :( My previous knowledge is no good, since all previous settings failed to enable me to host an online game (before I found out it was enough for me to open the 4321 UDP port and create a virtual server with my IP). This setttings is no longer enough. Guys, I am an occasional online gamer nowadays, of course I bought the full game, and I would be able to spend monthly fees for being able to play Tennis Elbow, I love this game THIS much :) but I really want to be able to host my own games (I tend to stick to official tour settings of this game, even though I dont play it myself due to time restriction). Would it be possible to make the hosting of online games a little more user-friendly? :P I am sorry for pushing it, but TE is really the one and only online game that I've got left after loads of MMO, and I cannot afford to lose it. :) Thanks for any reply.
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Re: Hosting game problem reappers after years

Postby manutoo » 21 Dec 2013, 04:57


the problem is not much with TE, but with the network configuration. I have a PnP Router, a cheap one offered by my ISP, and I have nothing to do to get the port opened, it just works... This standard exists since years and manufacturers selling non-PNP router should be burnt on public places... ;)

Thus said, you should look on forum dedicated to your router and/or to your ISP to get instructions about how to open your UDP port 4321. (maybe check there 1st for general advices => topic8-9923.php )
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