Comments about Build 29 (v1.0h)

General discussions about the 1st version of Tennis Elbow Manager

Comments about Build 29 (v1.0h)

Postby marco » 16 Jul 2012, 11:19

I have stumbled upon several problems that might be bug related.
1) When I plan some tournament for a player and still enough in advance I deselect it (without information about cancellation fees) the player is charged some fairly large amount of money depending on the importance/total prize of the tournament.
I am not aware this should be happening (and not without confirmation), the amount appears next week as Taxes.
Just start the game, plan and cancel Indian Wells or similar and you have some 3,500 $ less :-/ (I've tried WTA)

2) I have noticed that when a player plays the same week regular tournament and quallies for the next, there may be incorrect results.
If the player loses in the regular tournament and wins the qualification for the next the same week, the game states him being a winner of the regular tournament in the statistics along with money and points.
I am not aware if the loss has to be some specific round or if the two tournaments have to be some specific combination.
I might be able to get you some savegame with this problem and then I can send it to you.

court stakhanovite
court stakhanovite
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Gaming Since: 16 Jul 2012, 10:29

Re: Tennis Elbow Manager v1.0h

Postby manutoo » 17 Jul 2012, 05:17

1) found & fixed for next update

2) Couldn't reproduce ; did it happen with Build 29 ? If yes, then send me your saved games.
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow Manager v1.0h

Postby marco » 17 Jul 2012, 13:42

Hello manutoo,

2) It happened in b28, I will try to reproduce it and also will try it with b29.
Afterwards if it is still present I'll send you the savegame.

court stakhanovite
court stakhanovite
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Re: Tennis Elbow Manager v1.0h

Postby marco » 18 Jul 2012, 22:52

Managed to reproduce the problem in b29.
I have slightly different situation than the last time but both have the same attributes.
First time it happened to contract player (not the core one), now it happened to core player, both times in doubles results.
Strange thing that I noticed now is that the ranking points are corrected upon save and reload but the money, titles, statistics remain.
I'm sending you the savegames via email.

court stakhanovite
court stakhanovite
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Gaming Since: 16 Jul 2012, 10:29

Re: Comments about Build 29 (v1.0h)

Postby manutoo » 19 Jul 2012, 08:24

Ok, I think I got the bug, thanks to your saved games ; it should be ok with Build 30, hopefully... :fear:
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Comments about Build 29 (v1.0h)

Postby marco » 20 Jul 2012, 23:52

Hello manutoo,

These problems seem to be corrected now, I see that the "normal speed clay" had to do something with it. ;-)
Though I have more things to report and I think they might be present in b30.
I was using older saves so I cannot be sure if they're not corrupted but you can surely check.

1) One is somehow incorrect behaviour after hiring sparring partner.
When I tried to train the players practicing with each other in coach center everything was OK.
After I hired sparring partner I am able to practice with him but if I choose any of the other players I get completely different players selected.
Some have even crazy stats like rank 0, 65535 points and 255 tournaments played.

2) I was able to get in the state where all four players are playing FedCup.
Three of them are in some country but the fourth is in country Fed Cup.
Obviously she has incorrect options as to which players she could practice with but maybe you'll find there's more than that.
And again these two problems might be related...

I'll send you the savegames where you can see both problems and I was able to reproduce (1) also from the w51 savegame which I already sent you.
When trying to reproduce (2) in b30 the game crashed (I'll send the System.Log also).
But I think once I got through and it looked the same. And the crashes occur exactly when trying to send the player to country Fed Cup.

court stakhanovite
court stakhanovite
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Gaming Since: 16 Jul 2012, 10:29

Re: Comments about Build 29 (v1.0h)

Postby manutoo » 21 Jul 2012, 08:02

thanks to your saved games, I found & fixed the bugs (they were related, as a player was in non-existing location).
Don't hesitate to send me your saved games ; I mumble a bit against the additional work, but it makes me a lot more crazy to see unfixed bugs in the game..! ;) (and without saved games, most of time I can't do anything :sweat: )

EDIT: and it even helped me to find the reason of the crash that was eluding me since a couple of months..!
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Comments about Build 29 (v1.0h)

Postby marco » 21 Jul 2012, 17:13

I'm sorry manutoo but the problem (1) still persists.
First I thought my savegames are really corrupted but now I have tried it with fresh new game in b31 and it behaves the same.
I think now we might have misunderstood each other.
The problems might have been related but they occur in quite a different way.

What I meant was practicing in any location (e.g. coach center) when there is at least one hired sparring partner and other regular players.
The partner list looks correct with sparring partner preselected but when you try to select regular player you get incorrect player data in the bottom row.
That is, in one of the savegames I sent you if you try to practice with Camila and select Emily as a partner (instead of hired one) you'll see that 0 rank 65535 points player selected (if Emily is number 1).

court stakhanovite
court stakhanovite
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Re: Comments about Build 29 (v1.0h)

Postby marco » 21 Jul 2012, 23:40

OK, I have another small bug to report, though it is not that important.
Accidentally I have found that after fresh startup of the game and load of a savegame the doubles tournament cancellation doesn't work.
For all the tournaments around the year it says it is too late. Simple cancellation of a singles tournament or planning of any other tournament unlocks this and cancellation works again for the doubles.
It is enough to start a new game, plan any doubles tournament and save it. After restart and reload the doubles cancellations are locked.

And one more question or maybe suggestion regarding doubles.
I've noticed that if I plan Fed Cup doubles and have no doubles partner it does not matter and I'm not forced to select one.
That is quite understandable and I think very correct.
Therefore I don't understand why if I have doubles partner (one of my other players) and select Fed Cup doubles, the partner is forced to have Fed Cup doubles selected also (even if from different country) and cannot play different tournament that week.
If I force it, the first player has Fed Cup doubles deselected also.
Fed Cup doubles should probably behave differently than normal tournaments. The nominations are done different way.
Even if the doubles partner is from the same country I think she should not be automatically selected.
Maybe the doubles selection should not be there at all for Fed Cup or behave independently just like Fed Cup singles.

court stakhanovite
court stakhanovite
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Gaming Since: 16 Jul 2012, 10:29

Re: Comments about Build 29 (v1.0h)

Postby manutoo » 22 Jul 2012, 07:41

I thought it was only about the partner list being wrong, I didn't notice before the selected partner issue ; it is now fixed.

I fixed also the doubles cancellation ; it could have given problem in other cases as well.

For doubles registration in Country Cup, I removed the registration link (also for the Masters). I didn't test, so I hope it won't have any side effect... :fear:

You can re-dl the game (I didn't change version number, though).
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Comments about Build 29 (v1.0h)

Postby marco » 22 Jul 2012, 23:02

Hmm, I feel like a bug reporter already ;-)
I've got very similar bug to the one already reported when playing singles and doubles qualification the same week as regular doubles and losing in R1.
That way the location got messed up (obvious with the mismatched type of court surface and speed) and the results for the doubles were incorrect.

This time it is about playing two week tournament singles and right after that doubles tournament with qualifying (i.e. during the second week).
Even if I lose the singles during the first week (R2 and R3 confirmed) I'm not sent to the other location and the location with court type gets messed up again.
Also the practicing with players stops working the next week after qualifying in the doubles (court is still mismatched).

I can try different round losses and also loss in the second week early enough but I think all will cause the same problem.
I can also prepare and send you such a savegame where you could see it.

court stakhanovite
court stakhanovite
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Gaming Since: 16 Jul 2012, 10:29

Re: Comments about Build 29 (v1.0h)

Postby manutoo » 23 Jul 2012, 05:08

could you send me your saved games for this one ?
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Comments about Build 29 (v1.0h)

Postby marco » 24 Jul 2012, 03:03

I've just sent you the savegames.

I've also included savegame with one more issue, -1 country entry in sparring partner selection list.
Though it seems not a big problem, it might be a sign of a bigger one.

And yet another glitch, I've noticed that when you start a new game and distribute some talent stars for the player, changing the height will make them vanish.
That way you can create talentless player, don't know if that is on purpose but seems more like a bug.

court stakhanovite
court stakhanovite
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Gaming Since: 16 Jul 2012, 10:29

Re: Comments about Build 29 (v1.0h)

Postby manutoo » 24 Jul 2012, 09:09

both fixed, thanks for your report !
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Comments about Build 29 (v1.0h)

Postby marco » 26 Jul 2012, 02:26

I have several more issues ;-)
I'll send the savegames as soon as I have them ready.

1) After the first year ends the doubles partner of Emily in the activities history changes to (or is shown as) Emily herself.

2) Once I got to the state when the long time doubles partners had different ratings.
I've found that for Emily the qualifying points were not counted together with regular points for last tournament while partner got full amount.

3) When reproducing the previous (since I noticed it a bit later) I got regular+qual points in the week report and activities for one tournament while qual points are normally not there but in some previous week.
After save and reload the recomputed activities show again only the regular points award.
Though here I'm not sure how should it look like, if regular tournament and qualification for the next take place the same week the qualification result together with points and money is nowhere to be found.
And also if it is there, it is still added after the regular tournament (which is correct).

4) In some of these situations I also noticed that after reload of a savegame the doubles ratings seem to count only 9 instead of 11 best results.
After going further one week it is recalculated to include 11 results again.

court stakhanovite
court stakhanovite
Messages: 43
Gaming Since: 16 Jul 2012, 10:29


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