Alpha 1 : comments

General discussions about the 1st version of Tennis Elbow Manager

Postby percy896 » 19 Aug 2006, 05:48

Could you please explain the different aspects of the mental game in tennis manager and how they directly affect the simulated matches (i.e. Concentration, "cold blood", etc.)?
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Gaming Since: 16 Aug 2006, 16:48

Postby michaelwest777 » 21 Aug 2006, 20:41

More gameplay: more comments.

Can I ask what features you are likely to be able to hire? My thoughts are things like specialized coaches to gain a bonus on training; hitting partners to improve your skills on any specified surface; physio sessions to speed recovery.

In this alpha, the player seems to be a baseline defender. I assume that skills such as volleying are more expensive to improve than it would be for a net-specialist? If so would it be possible to change specialisation after a player has been created? Like if in season 6 you wanted to become better on clay, could you do that? for a major penalty of course.

Would it cost money to enter tournaments? So that you would feel under a lot of pressure to pick carefully and not just maximize ranking points.
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court crocodile
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Postby manutoo » 23 Aug 2006, 10:44

@wwoeger :
I will not stretch the game with forced waiting time, simply because some people may not have so much time to play the game.
Although, I could add an option to remove the result button or stuff like this... :)

In real life, how long before the tennis players have to register for a tournament ?
I think the draws are done 2 or 3 weeks in advance...

@NyGeL :
The management of the location (ie: on tournament site, or on coach's camp) will be handled. You'll have to pay money to take plane, and being here or there will have some influence on :
- the available sparring partner
- the training equipment
- the quality of rest

@michaelwest777 :
you're right, I hope to reach a gameplay where the path to the total domination is not easy to achieve, and will have drawbacks.

Yup, you could hire :
- specialized trainer
- sparring partner
- physiotherapist
Buy :
- new training court (to have all surfaces at the coach's camp)
- body building equipment

The player style (defender, puncher, etc...) doesn't influence the training efficiency, but it influences the usefulness of the skills during the matches (ie : if you have 50% everywhere, getting 100% at net skills will improve your defender less than getting 100% in rally skills)
It'll be possible to change the player style on a per match basis, for a malus.

In real life, I think it's free to enter tournament ! :)
But airplane tickets & hotels are not.

@jolamouche :
The game didn't progress much, I have been busy the last week with migrating to the new hosting platform of my website host. And the week before has been quiet (only debugging & little design research)... :P

I'm now on the Planning menu, which is almost done :

I spent 2 hours to find some good color scheme to easily recognize the tournament categories, but I'm still not sure if it's good or not...

@percy896 :
- concentration : the higher, the less chance to have a bad form of the day
- constancy : the higher, the lesser the form of the day can be low
- cold blood : the higher, the lesser the chance to play bad against a low ranked player (I may add additional effect, like in important match)
- tactic is used to get bonus (example, force the opponent to use his weakest strike, ie : the backhand)
- positioning : same than other technical skills, no special effect
== Mana Games ==

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Postby manutoo » 24 Aug 2006, 12:45

A quick question to everybody :

do you know what happens when a player gets qualified for the final draw of a tournament on a week, but had already planned to do the qualification draw of the next tournament, beginning at the end of the same week ..?

Is his participation at the qualifications is cancelled ? Or Is it cancelled only if he reaches a certain round in the current tournament (ie: quarterfinals on Friday) ..?

If you don't know, what would you expect to happen in the Tennis Manager ?
== Mana Games ==

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Postby jolamouche » 24 Aug 2006, 13:08

Hi Manu
i'd rather it's cancelled only if he reaches a certain round in the current tournament !!!
(I hope you like my english, aren't you???) :lol:
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Postby wwoeger » 25 Aug 2006, 14:36


its doesnt get cancelled when he qualifies for the final draw, but gets cancelled when he qualifies for further matches in the event that collide with the next tournaments qualy.

just a nice link although I am sure you have them all:
you can see how the Entry Ranking changed over the years. The one we have now got startet in 2000, so I would say starting the game after 2000 would be better. Maybe - its all up to you :D
(I was surprised that since 2000 there are no more bonus points for beating better ranked players).

I love SteveG Page , you can find everything here, for example this 2006 calender:


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Postby manutoo » 28 Aug 2006, 09:04

I found in the Toronto qualies' draw 2 players who didn't play for this reason : "Still playing another event" .

So it's a good answer to my question, and it's like wwoeger and jolamouche said... :)

@jolamouche :
your English is just great, no problem ! :)

@wwoeger :
I don't know all websites about tennis, so u can post interesting links here when I have question like this... ;)
I think I'll make the game starts between 1991 & 2006, but with the same ranking system every year.
There's no absolute need to exactly simulate the ATP ranking, it'd be just too much work for me, and confusing for the users (they would have to read explanations to understand why the points change from one year to another)...
== Mana Games ==

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Postby wwoeger » 29 Aug 2006, 19:10

1. with the alpha its *only* possible to play 1 season, right?

2. I think in this Alpha its too clear who will win the game before it starts. I mean - when in real life the Nr. 100 of the ATP-ranking playes against the Nr.10, then the Nr.10 will win around 8 games out of 10. I think in the Alpha its close to 10 out of 10.
Yes - I know its a Alpha, I just wantet to tell what came in my mind playing it :D

oh, and btw, I like the colours of the Planning-menu-screen!

have a good day

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Postby NyGeL » 31 Aug 2006, 07:12


when a player reach SF from a tournament and is IN the Qualy List from a tournament with the same or below level* (IS, Gold, TMS) from the next week, he gets a SPECIAL EXEMPT (SE) and gets directly into the Main Draw.

* I dunno if also matters if the next tournament gives more $, despite both are IS. I know it matters on Challengers and Futures, but not sure about ATP level. I'm sure that doesn't matter with TMS (for ex. if you reach QF at Indian Wells, you will receive SE for Miami, despite Miami gives more $).

About Tournament Entrys, it's done by periods (2 months if I'm not wrong).

So, 2 weeks before first tournament of July, you have to commit for all July and August tournaments. Here also influence the injured players (Protected Ranking* in case of an injury that takes you off the tour for more than X monts... not sure how many of them) and every tournament has 2 SE* spots free. Players that doesn't reach direct entry to main draw can apply for more than one ATP level (IS, Gold, MS)tournament for the alternate/qualy list. I think they can also apply for a Challenger apart from the Alternate/Qualy list. The SE doesn't apply on Doubles (if you reach Doubles QF or SF you are out from next week Qualys). Also if you reach QF and Qualy from next tournament already started or you don't have time to travel... you are OUT.

* Protected Ranking: If a player is out for longer than 6 months with an injury, he has the option to use an injury protected ranking when he returns for 8 tournament within 9 months (I think that's the limit, I'm too lazy to look up the precise number). The PR can only be used to assure entry into tournaments, the player's current ranking is still used for the purpose of seeding for the draw.
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Postby manutoo » 04 Sep 2006, 07:43

@wwoeger :
1. It should have been possible to go on the season 2, but someone reported it was crashing at the beginning of season 2, so I guess it's not possible right now... ;)

2. yup, it's a little problem that TE2006 has as well, even if actually the n°10 will almost never lose against the n°100 in real life... The problem is more with n°20 vs n°100 and n°10 vs n°50 .
I'll tune this once all the CPU players will have their final skills, and all the bonus & special abilities will be handled...

NyGeL@ :
thanks for all these details.
I added the SE (but it's called Wildcard right now ;) ) for tournaments of the same category.

The tournament entry are done 3 weeks in advance, and I think I'll let it like this, coz it's more simple for the player to understand how it works.

I think the game won't need the protected ranking, coz I think our player will not be injured for too long time : it wouldn't be fun to have nothing to do for 6 months or more... I guess 2 or 3-month injuries should be already a problem big enough to handle..!
== Mana Games ==

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Postby NyGeL » 07 Sep 2006, 01:24

Something I think you should add is the possibility to handel CPU players tour. I mean, at tennis elbow, there are some players schedule that doesn't follow the logic. Gaudio play some Grass tournaments, or during Buenos Aires ATP some of the Argentinean players choose to play Marsaille, etc.

So I think that it will be good if we can manage each player tour, or at least be able to put some fixed tournaments for specific players, as well as manage some WC's (for example, be able to have Del Potro playing Buenos Aires, despite his rank is not high enough to commit there).
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Postby Mrmooo » 09 Sep 2006, 13:39

i just checked to see if there was an update to tennis elbow and i see this! Ive been wanting a game like this for ages!! played a bit of the alpha and its brilliant so far!...cannot wait for the release!
tennis curious
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Gaming Since: 09 Sep 2006, 13:33

Postby wwoeger » 10 Sep 2006, 16:29

hi manutoo

I am not sure if you got my mail that I sent a few days ago, so I ask you through the Forum if you got it.

thanks for any reply :D

Wolfgang Woeger
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Postby manutoo » 12 Sep 2006, 14:28

@wwoeger :
yup, I got your email and I'm thinking about it, I'll answer you soon (yup, I'm a bit slow to think... :P )

@Nygel :
yup, I'll see what I can do... Maybe only do a basic check of the player's play style & country to decide to possible give a better chance to go to a specific tournament or not...
== Mana Games ==

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Postby wwoeger » 14 Sep 2006, 13:44

manutoo wrote:@wwoeger :
yup, I got your email and I'm thinking about it, I'll answer you soon (yup, I'm a bit slow to think... :P ) ...

hi manutoo!

ahh okay, just take your time - you could be sure there wouldnt be any traps or whatever_conditions.

keep up the great work!

tennis fan
tennis fan
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Gaming Since: 12 Aug 2006, 11:59


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