100% aces from right

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100% aces from right

Postby danielekan » 10 Jan 2015, 18:14

I started a woman career at AI level Pro sublevel 5 with èlite control.
I played only a few matches, but I can't lose, it seemss. Serving from the right a weak ball slicing left gives me only aces from that side, the opponent is stuck.
It's obviously a bug, it looks like the AI doesn't respond because she's unaware of my service. Maybe it's too slow. Could be that improving stats solves the issue.
Is it a known fact?

Ah, I play on MAC.

EDIT: I just saw the bug report section, I should have posted there, sorry.
tennis curious
Messages: 3
Gaming Since: 10 Jan 2015, 17:59

Re: 100% aces from right

Postby manutoo » 11 Jan 2015, 06:21


could you post a screenshot of your character sheet and the one of your opponent ?
So I'll have a better chance to reproduce the bug on my PC. (you could also send me a .dmo if you have some and not playing with a Mod => topic5-4588.php ).
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Re: 100% aces from right

Postby danielekan » 11 Jan 2015, 18:40

I hope these are ok.
EDIT: it happened with every opponent I encountered so far.
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tennis curious
Messages: 3
Gaming Since: 10 Jan 2015, 17:59

Re: 100% aces from right

Postby manutoo » 12 Jan 2015, 03:17

Your .dmo is very good ! With an ace right on 1st point, it'll help me to easily find out what's wrong. I'll fix it for next update that should be released within a couple of weeks.
== Mana Games ==

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Re: 100% aces from right

Postby danielekan » 12 Jan 2015, 07:34

Thank you!
tennis curious
Messages: 3
Gaming Since: 10 Jan 2015, 17:59

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