Entry List: Should be visible for everyone.

Archived Results from the Tour 2015

Entry List: Should be visible for everyone.

Postby GoAga » 07 Feb 2014, 02:15

Why casual players don't not have access to see who is applying for a place in the tournament ...
I think it would be worth it to change. What do you think fellows :?:
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Re: Entry List: Should be visible for everyone.

Postby Nigogu » 07 Feb 2014, 03:18

Yes, it makes the tournaments interesting even before of them :fear:
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visible entry list.

Postby Heinrich von Westphalen » 07 Feb 2014, 07:57

Considering it is realizable (from a technical point of view) I support a visible entry list. It would be an interesting decision support for tour players ...

Kind regards,
Heinrich von Westphalen.
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Re: Entry List: Should be visible for everyone.

Postby Sorana » 07 Feb 2014, 11:57

i don t know what to say about this. I have 2 oppinions:

1. I think is not good because the players which never won against one or more players which already join a tournament , won t play in he same tournament. And then, a tournament of week will be very strong with big names and one will be with not top players.
2.I think is good because we will know before who players could we meet.

But I believe more in my 1st oppinion , but if my 2nd oppinion will starting to be aplicated, it won't influence me
Between the few players with real doubles skills on this tour..



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Re: Entry List: Should be visible for everyone.

Postby GoAga » 07 Feb 2014, 12:38

I think it's a good idea in real tennis such a thing exists. We should have right to know who is applying to place in tournament.
Thank you for yours oppinions.
I look forward to hear more answers :)
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Re: Entry List: Should be visible for everyone.

Postby n 201 » 17 Feb 2014, 20:55

nice idea :D why mods don't care to reply this?
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Re: Entry List: Should be visible for everyone.

Postby n 201 » 17 Feb 2014, 23:33

Nigogu wrote:Mods (& sometimes manutoo), likes to sing this: http://youtu.be/UxxajLWwzqY?t=36s
(reply deleted in 3,2,1...)

lol :lol: mods wake up.saturday is over lol :wink:
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Re: Entry List: Should be visible for everyone.

Postby Algo » 17 Feb 2014, 23:56

Tour Mod.

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Re: Entry List: Should be visible for everyone.

Postby Heinrich von Westphalen » 18 Feb 2014, 00:04

Algo wrote:https://www.managames.com/Forum/topic36-4867.php?hilit=queue+list&start=15

Just a nice example for the relevance by polls in this forum. :fear:

Kind regards,
Heinrich von Westphalen.
Heinrich von Westphalen
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Re: Entry List: Should be visible for everyone.

Postby Algo » 18 Feb 2014, 02:05

Every settings poll is another...
Except (sadly) one we had to keep old Fair mode.
Tour Mod.

Tour issues by PM or Discord
If you don't send me a PM or DM, you might see your chances reduced. Inform me about anything that might have gone on with your matches BEFORE deadlines, otherwise, decisions won't be changed.
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Re: Entry List: Should be visible for everyone.

Postby n 201 » 18 Feb 2014, 11:34

Algo wrote:Every settings poll is another...
Except (sadly) one we had to keep old Fair mode.

the poll shows people like it. why not do it?
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Re: Entry List: Should be visible for everyone.

Postby GoAga » 18 Feb 2014, 21:08

So it will be or not? :?
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Re: Entry List: Should be visible for everyone.

Postby E=mc2 » 26 Feb 2014, 06:51

As usual from mods. Carelessness rockz :mrgreen:
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Entry List: Should be visible for everyone.

Postby GoAga » 24 Dec 2014, 20:34

It's almost start a new season and EntryList is still not solved, so i have proposition. I would like to have a right (each player) after an asking tour mods who is applying on list in each tournamnet. It's mean that tour mods would have one more duty to inform interested player.
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Re: Entry List: Should be visible for everyone.

Postby Sampreas » 25 Dec 2014, 00:09

If's that what's gonna make tour more interesting i agree too.
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