Lower rank players winning too much

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Lower rank players winning too much

Postby Ricardo Gonzalez » 09 Jan 2022, 07:46

Hi - Congrats for the game, it's really nicely made. One thing though, is that I notice many low rank players winning important tournaments like slams. I tried to play with the parameters in tennis.ini ([WT_ScoreSimu], lowering the StressLowering and ConcentrationPow values for example), but it didn't help. Any suggestion to what should be changed and to which value to see results more plausible?

Thanks -
Ricardo Gonzalez

Re: Lower rank players winning too much

Postby manutoo » 09 Jan 2022, 08:55


what do you call low-rank players ? If it's top 10 or even top 20 sometimes, then it's normal.

On what years did you notice that ? During the Big 4 (or 3) era, it's normal they win less slams than in real life : the goal is to have more variety in the game.

You can boost their RankPerYear to make them win more slams, though.
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Lower rank players winning too much

Postby Ricardo Gonzalez » 09 Jan 2022, 16:21

OK - I got, for example, Mansdorf and Novacek winning slams in the 90s and C.Richey, M.Riessen or T.Koch in the 73-74.
Then I tried to lower "ConcentrationPow" and "StressLowering" and got B.Fairlie, Jauffret vs Drysdale. Diversity is good, but this is very diverse, I feel.
RankPerYear would mean that I would have to modify each player's ranking individually though.

In the older version, I had setting that I liked
Code: Select all
(StressMinDiff   =   1000
StressLowering   =   1.0   // difference *= StressLowering
StressPow   =   38   // difference *= Pow(random[0, 1], StressPow)
            //===> Higher Skill -= difference
FormLowering   =   0.4   // ratio = FormLowering
FormPow      =   33   // ratio *= Pow(random[0, 1], FormPow)
            //===> Skill *= 1 - ratio)

but I am not sure how to translate that in the current new vaiables

This is minor comment though, everything else is very good :-)
Ricardo Gonzalez

Re: Lower rank players winning too much

Postby manutoo » 10 Jan 2022, 07:40

I did a quick check and over 8 slams in 1992 & 1993, I got 1 doubles specialist winning a slam, while he probably had the strength of a ranked #20~25 in singles, so that matches your experience. (I also got 2 ranked #~15, but that is more reasonable)

Normally the [WT_ScoreSimu] settings should still work the same in TE4, but StressPow, FormLowering & FormPow have disappeared.

FormLowering is now InconstancyMul, and FormPow is ConcentrationPow. There's no implementation of StressPow anymore.

You could also play with the values of [WT_SkillNormAtp]. (eg: lower a bit MidNorm or raise a bit HighPower)
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Lower rank players winning too much

Postby Ricardo Gonzalez » 14 Jan 2022, 05:12

ok, thank you for the tips, Manu! Where is that "WT_SkillNormAtp" option though? I can't see it in the tennis.ini nor the player file
Ricardo Gonzalez

Re: Lower rank players winning too much

Postby manutoo » 14 Jan 2022, 07:56

You'll find it in the GameSys.ini of the Modding SDK : topic29-33540.php .

Here is the full section that you can add to your Tennis.ini :
Code: Select all
LowRank      =   1200
MiddleRank   =   100
LowNorm      =   0.05
MidNorm      =       0.60
HighNorm   =       0.87
HighPower    =       1.25
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Lower rank players winning too much

Postby MRGreeny74 » 16 Jan 2022, 18:24

What does "LowNorm", "MidNorm", "HighNorm", and "HighPower" means exactly ?
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Re: Lower rank players winning too much

Postby manutoo » 17 Jan 2022, 06:59

The norm is the strength of the player ; 0.87 = 87% in all skills on average.

HighPower => viewtopic.php?p=273953#p273953 .
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Lower rank players winning too much

Postby leo26 » 08 Mar 2024, 04:08

So let's say I manually lower the forehand and backhand power of a high ranked Player A in World Tour to 60, and their average for all skills is now something like 84%. I set HighNorm to 0.84. I start my WT career with another player. As time progresses, will Player A try to increase their forehand and backhand power at the expense of their other skills ? If so, is there a way to stop this ?
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Re: Lower rank players winning too much

Postby manutoo » 08 Mar 2024, 09:33

the CPU players do not train ; their skill average depends on their RankPerYear for the current year and (almost) nothing else.
== Mana Games ==

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