OK - I got, for example, Mansdorf and Novacek winning slams in the 90s and C.Richey, M.Riessen or T.Koch in the 73-74.
Then I tried to lower "ConcentrationPow" and "StressLowering" and got B.Fairlie, Jauffret vs Drysdale. Diversity is good, but this is very diverse, I feel.
RankPerYear would mean that I would have to modify each player's ranking individually though.
In the older version, I had setting that I liked
- Code: Select all
(StressMinDiff = 1000
StressLowering = 1.0 // difference *= StressLowering
StressPow = 38 // difference *= Pow(random[0, 1], StressPow)
//===> Higher Skill -= difference
FormLowering = 0.4 // ratio = FormLowering
FormPow = 33 // ratio *= Pow(random[0, 1], FormPow)
//===> Skill *= 1 - ratio)
but I am not sure how to translate that in the current new vaiables
This is minor comment though, everything else is very good