Tennis Elbow 4 - Early Version !

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Re: Tennis Elbow 4 - Early Version !

Postby manutoo » 29 Nov 2022, 16:22

SubBuild 2022.11.29:

New Features :
- Camera : the back of the stadium isn't rendered anymore if the camera is very low (but it still can cast shadows)

Bug Fixes :
- Player : the CRC was calculated without the online-forbidden talents
- World Tour : loading a match from the v0.74 or earlier was possibly leading to a crash
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 4 - Early Version !

Postby manutoo » 02 Dec 2022, 08:09

SubBuild 2022.12.02:

Bug Fixes :
- Commentaries : the comments could get vastly inaccurate (except if the DevMode was activated, like on my PC :blackeye: )
- Rendering : the acceleration smoke of all players except the 1st one could get very bright in the indoor stadiums
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 4 - Early Version !

Postby manutoo » 13 Dec 2022, 08:41

Version 0.76 - SubBuild 2022.12.13:

New Features :
- Commentator : there's now a commentary introduction for each match of the World Tour in Singles (plus the Country Cup doubles) ; at the TET level and above, you'll get one unique intro per match for the whole year, both for men & women !
- Cutscene : while listing to the Commentator's introductions, the camera is flying by around the stadium (except if you have activated the Background 2D) while the players are warming up

Bug Fixes :
- Gameplay : the Early Ball Talent was disabled in the Training Club
- Player : the CRC wasn't correctly calculated if you had put a .5 to a Talent value in your Tennis.ini (so the CRC calculation is changed again and the old CRCs aren't valid anymore)
- Audio : even disabled, the Commentaries were still played

Notes :
- Commentator : if you already have installed the Commentary pack, delete this file : "C:\Program Files\Tennis Elbow 4\Game\AssetBundles\commentary-desc" ; launch the game, then click on Settings -> Audio -> Commentary -> Download, then install the newly downloaded pack (else some Qualies intros will be wrong)
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 4 - Early Version !

Postby manutoo » 14 Dec 2022, 10:22

SubBuild 2022.12.14:

Bug Fixes :
- Commentaries : the server/returner contexts were incorrectly set ; this was affecting very few comments, but it could lead to a crash :fear:
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 4 - Early Version !

Postby manutoo » 19 Dec 2022, 16:42

SubBuild 2022.12.19:

Bug Fixes :
- Camera : the camera was mispositioned when playing in the World Tour with the 2D Background enabled
- Stadium : slightly tuned Shanghai lighting, but it still can get quite bad ; I'll have to rework it more in-depth and add its night session to fix it for good
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 4 - Early Version !

Postby manutoo » 28 Jan 2023, 09:57

Version 0.79 - Build 101 ; SubBuild 2023.1.28:

New Features :
- Stadiums : night session for all the outdoor stadiums
- Engine : upgraded to Unity 2021.3.16f
- Modding : added the support for the Country in the online mode
- Modding : change this line in your Tennis.ini, under [Display], from : (HowTo => topic19-32161.php )
Code: Select all
SmokeColor   =   0xFFFFFFFF
to :
SmokeColor   =   0x1FFFFFFF
for a less visible acceleration smoke.
Or to :
SmokeColor   =   0x00FFFFFF
to make it completely invisible.

Changes :
- Stadiums : completely reworked the lighting changes when the sun moves to avoid strange lighting conditions ; in Shanghai, the night session triggers as soon as there's not enough light anymore
- Commentaries : the commentary pack is now bundled with the game
- AI : the CPU has now significantly better reflexes on the return of serve, especially on Pro level & better
- AI & gameplay : the left/right human & AI return position tuned, to better take into account the slice effect ; this should significantly lower the sliced aces against the CPU
- Stats : better detection to determine if an Unforced Error is actually a Forced Error
- CPU vs CPU : lowering the Attacking Rate will now have a stronger effect on the player
- Gameplay : the players now rest a tiny bit between the 1st & 2nd serve, but only their Breath

Bug Fixes :
- Physics : the ball's possible landing zone shape wasn't an oval as shown by the aiming zone
- online & match replay : desync fixed when the returner moves before the 1st serve of the 1st point of the match and triggers the auto-step back and it's not his or his opponent's 1st match of the game session (this could also lead to an unending desync)
- online & match replay : desync fixed when releasing the buttons early on the service
- online : if had played a match before, the game could desync on the 1st point
- online : the extra service info of Modded anims wasn't loaded, possibly leading to desync
- World Tour : fixed a crash on saved game loading when there was only 1 Country Cup event per year (which is the case with the XKT Patch v2.1, on the Women Tour)

Notes :
- if you play an online tournament match soon, it's strongly recommended to play the game for at least 30 minutes to get acquainted with the slight changes in the ball landing zone :fear:
- if you notice some stadiums with bad lighting at certain hours of the day, please let me know
- /!\ Important : download the full installer ; the previous version of the TE4-Launcher isn't able to download the commentary pack, and thus it can hang and prevent to launch TE4 (it may happen only for the following update) ; on MacOS, re-download the TE4-Patcher (from your License Key email)
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 4 - Early Version !

Postby manutoo » 04 Feb 2023, 15:31

Version 0.80 ; SubBuild 2023.2.4:

New Features :
- World Tour : can start a new career from 2023 instead of 2020
- World Tour : player bases updated to the end of 2022 (this will be effective only once you'll have started a new career)

Bug Fixes :
- Stadium : the time & speed boards were not correctly visible on the back end of the TET250 Stadium

Notes :
- Modding : if you have a Modded player base, you won't be able to start in 2023
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 4 - Early Version !

Postby manutoo » 22 Feb 2023, 14:22

Build 103 ; SubBuild 2023.2.22:

Changes :
- Animation : the racket is less low (or high) when a low (or high) ball is too far from the player, so the reach movement looks more natural

Bug Fixes :
- Animation : the player's feet could be above the ground when striking the ball while moving
- AI : the CPU returner had too fast reflexes when facing a CPU server (instead of a human server)
- Match replay : if the user changed the service buttons during his serve preparation, the match replay could desync
- CPU vs CPU : the Coaching strategy could fail to reload when continuing a saved match, leading to 50% Energy Spending & everything else at 0% (I'm not sure 100% sure it's fixed in all cases :fear: )
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 4 - Early Version !

Postby manutoo » 01 Mar 2023, 14:59

Build 104 ; SubBuild 2023.3.1:

Bug Fixes :
- Strikes : the woman's acceleration was mostly as fast as the man's acceleration ; now its speed max in ideal conditions with 100% in Power & Consistency is around 162km/h instead of 188km/h ; its global average speed has been lowered by ~10km/h
- Animation : the one & two-handed backhands and the two-handed forehand could be done while sidestepping, leading to completely buggy dynamic animation ; now the player will always run when moving before doing these strikes
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 4 - Early Version !

Postby manutoo » 20 Mar 2023, 18:30

Version 0.81 - Build 105 ; SubBuild 2023.3.20:

New Features :
- Player Style : now the Counter Puncher gets a lowered speed handicap when doing an acceleration on a raising ball (and in a smaller way on a falling ball), as well as with the normal strike against a raising ball
- World Tour : can disable or lower by 50% the Skill Decay in the Career mode (in the Character Sheet)

Changes :
- AutoPos : if standing very close after the rebound (eg: 1 meter) of a lob, your player will now walk back to smash the ball if you stand in the middle of the ball trajectory
- Strikes : boosted the smash speed when hitting the ball after the bounce
- Strikes : tuned the drop shot & the slice to get a more realistic backspin rate on them
- Strikes : slightly raised the forehand slice speed, especially when prepared early
- Stadium : tuned the lighting of the Indoor TET250, Indoor Challenger & Cincinnati stadiums

Bug Fixes :
- 3D player : the high-detail male's 3rd hat (ie: the open cap) was missing
- Online : tried a fix for the desync occasionally occurring at the end of the 1st set
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 4 - Early Version !

Postby manutoo » 22 Mar 2023, 10:09

Build 106 ; SubBuild 2023.3.22:

Bug Fixes :
- Strikes : the slice could get randomly too long or too high
- Online : the game could hang or desync when opening a menu
- World Tour : the Skill Decay rate option was always 100% after loading a saved game
- World Tour : loading a saved game with more than 1 human player was crashing
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 4 - Early Version !

Postby manutoo » 28 Mar 2023, 18:23

Build 107 ; SubBuild 2023.3.28:

New Features :
- World Tour : now more than half of the players have one or several talents (if you want to force a player to have no talent, add "Talent = " to his section in the player base)

Changes :
- Physics : tuned the ball bounce when the ball has heavy backspin
- Strike : tuned the drop shot to make it more effective
- Strike : it's now a bit easier to hit a drop shot against a drop shot (ie: a slow ball near the net after the bounce)
- Strike : lowered the backspin of the slice when the ball is low so the strike will still be fast enough

Bug Fixes :
- Strike : the heavy backspin slice could still end too long or even do a home run ! :shock:

Notes :
- Please let me know if the drop shot is too or not enough effective... :fear:
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 4 - Early Version !

Postby manutoo » 05 Apr 2023, 17:01

Version 0.82 - Build 108 ; SubBuild 2023.4.5:

New Features :
- Talents : new Slider talent, which allows starting to slide when running more slowly
- Talents : new Clay Mover talent, which allows to slow down & change direction a bit faster on clay.
- Talents : new Boom Boom Server talent ; the 1st star allows you to do a 1st serve up to 10% faster from time to time ; the 2nd star allows it to also happen when facing a break point
- Talents : new On-time Server talent ; the 1st star lowers by 25% the chance to miss your 1st serve when facing a break point, and the 2nd star by 50%
- Engine : upgraded to Unity 2021.3.22f, hoping it'll fix the rare bug of the fully white screen during the night session :fear:

Changes :
- Gameplay : reworked the sliding so it triggers a bit less often if you don't have the Sliding talent ; also now sliding provides a precision boost and allows stopping to run a bit faster, so it's really beneficial in most situations (you still lose a bit of topspin & backspin, though)
- Online : you can now have 4 Talent stars instead of 2 when playing online
- Online : the Slice Mastery talent is now allowed online (as it's not too overpowered anymore)

Bug Fixes :
- Physics : the ball bounce could get randomly weird when applying backspin to the ball (ie: on slice)
- Strike : the drop shot could get too high if you were standing about 2 meters or more behind the baseline
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 4 - Early Version !

Postby manutoo » 25 Apr 2023, 10:42

Version 0.83 - Build 109 ; SubBuild 2023.4.25:

New Features :
- Controls : now, your controller can vibrate when striking the ball ; activate this with Settings -> Controls -> Player 1 -> Vibration ; the deep vibrations indicate a difficult ball ; the light vibrations indicate a fast strike as well as an off-center ball ; and the light vibration duration indicates an off-center ball
- Modding : you can now download & install the Mods from within the game ! (the Mod authors will have to upload their Mod 1st ; HowTo => topic60-34686.php )
- Modding : bind your Mod to a Profile, create a Profile .ini, and change the way to put saved Training Club Players in your Mod ; HowTo => topic60-34687.php

Changes :
- Stadium : moved a bit Rome's roof so its shadow stays farther from the baseline
- Tiredness : the acceleration's tiredness is lowered by 10%
- Strike : with Slice Mastery, the slice speed has been slightly raised around the baseline
- Strike : removed the speed bonus for the Backhand Smash from the baseline (so now it applies to only the forehand smash)
- Strike : lowered the energy bonus when the strike power is more than 20% under the stamina
- Strike : lowered the precision bonus when the strike power is more than 20% under the precision

Bug Fixes :
- Strike : since the previous Build, the drop shot was usually too high, except when executed far from the baseline
- Service : the serve could get too slow when the Service Precision was much under the Service Power
- Controls : the Dead Zone was half the value shown, and thus the maximum possible Dead Zone was less than 50%

Notes :
- I have forgotten to change the Build number so the game shows 108 instead of 109... :sweat:
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 4 - Early Version !

Postby manutoo » 28 Apr 2023, 11:00

SubBuild 2023.4.28:

New Features :
- Modding : you can now identify with your Steam account ; note : if you play with both the Mana Games version & the Steam version, identify with your email on both versions so you'll keep your installed Mods
- Modding : you can now specify that your Mod is meant to be applied after another Mod ; for more info, read the "4) Flag your Mod as dependent of another Mod" section here => topic60-34687.php

Bug Fixes :
- Animation : the service animation could be wrongly resync'ed when exiting the replay
- Modding : the game couldn't see more than 1 Mod installed from the Mod Management menu
- Modding : the game couldn't load the saved Training Club players within a Mod
- Modding : the game couldn't load the Profile's _Mod.ini files
- Menu : the mouse cursor could disappear when coming back from the Mod Management menu
- World Tour : fixed a crash when watching a CPU Player's Tournament Titles screen at the end or the start of a year
== Mana Games ==

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