Tennis Elbow 2009 v1.0c is released (Build 36-2009.08.27) :
https://www.managames.com/download.php?TE2009_fe1c.exe [Permanent direct download link to the latest version]
http://toogame.free.fr/Files/TennisElbow2009.exe [Mirror site for people having corrupted download from managames.com - but not up to date all the time]
New Features :
- New Strike Styles : 1 Service, 2 Forehands (you're welcome to guess from what real player(s) they are inspired of in this topic : topic15-2209.php )
- Animation : Legs are correctly animated when doing a strike on the run..!!
- Animation : New Anims for the Return of Serve Waiting
- 1 New Racket
- 4 New Gestures : Jump & Cheering Fist when winning a point, Hit Forehead & Silly! when losing a point
- Sound : 2 new Crowd Behaviors => Disappointed & React on a Ball that touches the Net
- World Tour : can set any player to CPU or Human control before each match, so a friend of yours could take the control of your double partner or your opponent
- Modding : Cam Settings can now be loaded from the Court.ini, allowing easier share of new courts with a custom camera angle ; see "Data\HowToMod.html" for more details
Changes :
- Gameplay : Jump Bonus at Net raised for Puncher, Varied & Counter Styles, so it's more interesting to pick them
- Gameplay : Low Volleys done with B1 are a bit deeper & a very little bit faster when prepared early with high volley skills
- Gameplay : Short Strike speed lowered when Power is around 0%
- Animation : if started a strike that shows the slice animation (ie: slice or dropshot) and then change to another type of strike, the animation will morph to the normal strike style ; and vice versa from normal to slice animation
- Animation : Sampras Serve (1/3) tuned a bit
- AI : CPU player now rushes the net a bit better & volley globally a bit better (*)
- Online : CPU serves a bit faster
Bug Fixes:
- Doubles : Serve Left/Right sensitivity is now the same than in Singles
- Doubles : CPU tries now to catch the ball when receiving a sliced serve on the line
- Online : a little bunches of fixes that should hopefully lead to less Desync in Online Doubles, but also maybe in Online Singles & in Match Replay ; thanks to let me know if you notice any improvement or not
- Point Replay : Animation Blending Fixed
- AI : the CPU player wasn't using his jump ability at the net, this is now fixed (*)
- Double Match Record : demo filename is now correctly renamed at the end of the match
Notes :
- Changelog of previous versions is here : topic15-2210.php
- as usually, if you notice any glitch or bug, thanks to report them !
- don't forget to exit TE2009 before to install the latest version
- Mac Users : the Mac OSX version will come within a few days
- (*) The CPU Volleyers are back..!! With these 2 points the CPU now volleys a lot more efficiently, and although CPU Volleyer is still likely the easiest style to beat, it shouldn't be too easy anymore...
- Because of the new animation style when doing a strike on the run, it is now possible to touch some ball that you couldn't touch before ; this kind of strike will always lead to a fault, either a poor ball on the side or in the net, so globally it doesn't change the gameplay, it just changes some Winners into Errors in the Match Stats
Important Note :
Post in this topic only if it's related to the latest new version, ie only for these 2 cases :
- about a point listed in the New Features / Changes / Bug Fixes
- about a bug that you are sure didn't happen in the previous version but happens in the new one (else, post in the "Bug Report" forum)
Do not write about anything else, else I may delete your post without any prior warning (or at very least, I won't answer it) ; if you're not sure your topic is related or not to the latest version, just create a new topic in the forum, it'll be fine...
Also on a side note, don't send me PM ( = Private Message) except for Private thing. Everything that can be read by everybody should be pointed out / asked in the forum, so my comments & answers could also be read by everybody, and hopefully, I won't have to write them again when someone else will have the same comments / questions...