How to Play in Tournament : Contact your opponent & Report match resultOnce the draw is released, go to the official topic of the tournament listed in this forum :
Tournament Tour ; and note down any special rule applying to that tournament. Then go to the tournament page by clicking on its name from here :
OnlineTournaments.php .
Under "
Report Result", you'll see your opponent name & his discord name. Contact him on the public channel on Discord to decide with him of the time of the match. You should also use the "Write your 1st Message to your Opponent" button to create your Match Topic in the Forum, so Mods could easily track down your efforts to contact your opponent.
In case of a problem contacting your opponent, let the Mods know (for example, by posting in the tournament's Official topic or by clicking the "Call Moderator" button on the Draw page, which is available once you have created the Match Topic).
You should play your match before the deadline announced in the official topic of the tournament.
In case you don't, then the Mods may, depending on the conditions :
- give you 1 day more to play your match (only for valid reasons)
- give you a WO if your opponent wasn't online lately or he didn't do enough to play against you
- give your opponent a WO if you were not online lately or you didn't do enough to play against him
- decide the result of the match by Random Luck (RL), if despite all your efforts and your opponent's efforts, you were not able to manage to play your match
- disqualify both of you if neither of you got online lately
Availability Schedule :When you play in a Tournament, you have to keep your Availability Schedule up to date for the current week at all time. If your Schedule is incorrect then you'll greatly increase the chances of your opponent to get a WO in case of non-played match.
If you change your Schedule, post the changes in your Match Topic as well, so your opponent will be alerted of the changes.
You will also have to post your likely-Schedule in your match topic in order to make it as public as it can ; posting something like "I can now" without any prior notice to your opponent may not be taken into consideration for a decision.
Once your match is done :- If you have lost, you should go to the tournament page and enter the match score under "
Report Result" ; write the score as seen by the winner ; example : enter "6/4 6/3", not "4/6 3/6"
- If you have won and your opponent didn't enter the score, then go to the tournament page and enter the match score under "
Report Result"
- If for any reason you can't play at all, then you should give a WO (Walk Over) to your opponent
- Don't give yourself a WO ; ask your opponent or the Mods if you think you should have one
- Optionally, you can report the score in the tournament official topic (it's useful in case of dispute with your opponent)
- Note : match scores are logged, so don't try to enter a fake score, else you'll be banned
Reserve Match :If you have time, you can play a match with a future possible opponent.
Example, you should play the winner of the match "Player A vs Player B", but they still didn't play. So you can play a Reserve Match against Player A, if you both want. In case Player A wins his match against Player B, then the result of your Reserve Match against Player A will be used.
You can play a Reserve Match with any possible future opponent, even several rounds earlier.
Be sure to agree with your opponent that you're playing a Reserve Match for your current tournament, and not a practice match.
Post the result of your Reserve Match in your tournament's official topic, stating "Reserve Match", name of your opponent, round and score.
Special rules related to Reserve Match :- If you play a reserve match, lose it, and disappear without playing your current match, you'll be banned
- If you refuse to play a reserve match when you have the time for it, you'll greatly reduce your chances to get an extra day for your current match, if you want one