Recruiting Juniors

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Recruiting Juniors

Postby x4n » 05 Aug 2018, 21:55

So I've started a career as a pro and when recruiting a junior (15y), with Junior tour goals, I can't seem to enlist him into junior tournaments. That is, under Planning I can see only the Pro calendar. Am I missing something? The training menu is also for a pro.
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Messages: 1
Gaming Since: 04 Aug 2018, 19:45

Re: Recruiting Juniors

Postby manutoo » 06 Aug 2018, 08:18


some players are already pro at 15yo, especially the girls.

If it happened with a girl listed in the Junior list of the Recruitment screen, could you send me a saved game ? (HowTo => topic19-4589.php )
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