by punc » 12 Feb 2016, 22:10
I have a few suggestions for the next version:
1. It would be cool to be able to play even before 1990, let's say from the beginning of the open era (1968 I believe) with some legends like Rod Laver, Ashe, Borg Connors, McEnroe, etc.
2. It would be nice to have more detailed statistics about the match in order to fine tune the player, to know how the points were lost (lobs, passing, forced errors, etc.), length of the rallies and per set statistics for instance.
3. I think the length of the matches does not fit the current character of the matches: a 5-set match including 1 or 2 tie-breaks ending with a score of 14-12 at the fifth should be longer than 4 hours and usually the level of play should decrease significantly at the end. I see my player with 30% form still playing at 100% energy, that doesn't make sense.
4. Give the possibility to have a few saved training patterns. Especially at the end of the year, I give more or less the same pattern every week for 5-6 weeks. It is a long and not particularly enjoyable part of the game.
Eager to see the new version.