Manutoo, help me with my cheating! [Training points]

General discussions about the 2nd edition of Tennis Elbow

Re: Manutoo, help me with my cheating! [Training points]

Postby Steef van Wooning » 29 Jul 2013, 03:08

I have tenniselbow 2013 But I can't seem to find that ini.file? Where is it?
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Re: Manutoo, help me with my cheating! [Training points]

Postby manutoo » 29 Jul 2013, 03:52

Steef van Wooning,
by default, it's in : "C:\Program Files\Tennis Elbow 2013" ("Program Files (x86)" on 64 bit OS)
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Manutoo, help me with my cheating! [Training points]

Postby Steef van Wooning » 29 Jul 2013, 04:13

Found it! It was actually still in my TE 2011 map.
Thanks anyway manutoo
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Re: Manutoo, help me with my cheating! [Training points]

Postby Ethanovic » 25 Jun 2015, 15:33

I've been playing world tour again after like 3 years (yeah i only play random matches lol) but since i have a lot of free time now i thought hey let's invest some time into a career.

so i've had a whole year now and i'm getting a little tired of losing points as i don't like to play every tournament and i found this topic and wow, i don't understand a damn thing :cry: :P

what i do understand is the whole 42 x 3 = 126 don't get below it situation. but seeing all those numbers about not losing any skills makes my mind dizzy.

i play pro lvl 8 currently because i don't have enough skill yet to challenge top ten players let alone defeat them on master. So how do i not lose any experience if i don't play a tournament every week again?

please help me lol. i know it's a little bit cheating but for me to enjoy this entirely i need to lose too many skills all the time.

ps. this is all on TE2013 of course. don't know if there's a big difference
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Re: Manutoo, help me with my cheating! [Training points]

Postby manutoo » 26 Jun 2015, 04:51

just put all the "Dim*" to 1.
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Manutoo, help me with my cheating! [Training points]

Postby Ethanovic » 26 Jun 2015, 11:06

manutoo wrote:Ethanovic,
just put all the "Dim*" to 1.

thanks man, you're the best
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help me with my cheating! [Training hours and skills ]

Postby Kentran1994 » 13 Oct 2016, 02:57

Hi Manutoo ,
Right now I am playing my character TE 2013 career . I have read about using cheat code on this forum and try it by myself on Tennis.ini file . I just really want my character to have 100% on each skill and infinite Training hours . First , I open Tennis.ini file by using Notepad and then I change number like that
[WT_Training] // every day, Skill = Skill * Dim
DimClub = 1
DimJunior = 1
DimPro = 1
DimMaster = 1
DimIncredible = 1

ClubPbH = 2.0 // Training Efficiency
JuniorPbH = 9999999999.0
ProPbH = 1.5
MasterPbH = 1.0
IncrediblePbH = 9999999999.0

ClubGain = 1.75 // Experience points modifier
JuniorGain = 9999999999.0
ProGain = 1.25
MasterGain = 1.0
IncredibleGain = 9999999999.0

Should I have to change something ? and How do I know my character in the cheat code or right on track ?
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Re: Manutoo, help me with my cheating! [Training points]

Postby manutoo » 13 Oct 2016, 08:15

if you set up everything correctly, you'll see the result during the next training session ; so save your game at a training session, exit, change the .ini, launch the game again to check everything is alright.
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Manutoo, help me with my cheating! [Training points]

Postby Guest » 28 Dec 2021, 05:52

sphanlon wrote:I know this is cheap and cheesy, but I paid my twenty dollars and I don't care. I earned my way to perfect ratings honestly, but I really don't want to fool around with it anymore. I just want to play when I want and not calculate when I need to sit out to train. I already figured out to change where it says skill=skil*x after each day and x is like .99-something depending on the difficulty. I've set x to 1.00000 so my skil doesn't deteriorate.

I found TE4 works a bit differently to above posts for earlier versions of the game. In relation to the OPs question on how to to give your player 100% skills at the start of the World Tour, I'm using the following settings when playing in Master difficulty:


Point1000 = 5
PointClub = 15
PointJunior = 10
PointPro = 5
PointMaster = 95

NbStar = 11

[WT_Training] // every day, Skill = Skill * Dim
DimClub = 1
DimJunior = 1
DimPro = 1
DimMaster = 1
DimIncredible = 1
PowSkill = 1


- By assigning 95 points above in "PointMaster", it effectively provides my "Master" level player with 100% skill ratings at the start of the tour.
- By changing NbStar from 5 to 11, it allows the 11 eleven talent stars to be assigned to a newly created player in the World Tour instead of the standard 5 stars
- By changing the Dim values to 1, it removes skill degradation over time.

Re: Manutoo, help me with my cheating! [Training points]

Postby knich » 29 Oct 2023, 01:01

Manu...where is the tennis.ini located for Steam version? The tennis.ini in non-steam version doesn't seem to change settings in Steam
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Manutoo, help me with my cheating! [Training points]

Postby manutoo » 29 Oct 2023, 07:05

read carefully here : topic19-32161.php .
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Manutoo, help me with my cheating! [Training points]

Postby BB36 » 09 Dec 2023, 05:46

I updated how to give your new World Tour player all available talent stars and 100% skill ratings in all categories here:
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