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General discussions about the 2nd edition of Tennis Elbow

Postby manutoo » 13 Jun 2006, 10:51

Yes, download the bases again from the link above, it's updated.

And yup, you have to start you game again on Week 1.
Eventually, if you have a saved game from Week 11 or before, you could try to start from here, but I don't guarantee the result... :?
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Postby NyGeL » 02 Aug 2006, 05:12

this update works with TE2005?
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Postby manutoo » 02 Aug 2006, 05:57

Humm, I guess so.
It produced some bugs with TE2006 only in the Davis Cup configuration, which TE2005 doesn't have.
The best way to know is to try... ;)
But anyway, you should upgrade to TE2006, if you already have TE2005, it's free..!
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Postby NyGeL » 01 Nov 2006, 02:38

well, it doesn't work 100% becouse of the tournaments limit.

and sorry, but I don't find this game as enjoyable to pay 60$ (1 u$ = 3 argentinean pesos) wich is a lot here.

I'll buy Tennis Elbow Manager for sure :)
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Postby punkskaphil » 07 Jan 2007, 00:16

In my copy, Andy Murray appears as representing Argentina when he should be representing United Kingdom. Is there an easy way for me to change this?

Postby manutoo » 07 Jan 2007, 14:10

Hello punkskaphil,

yes, it's possible to change it.
Open the "Data\Players.ini" file, then look for "Murray", then change the following line to :
Country = GB
(instead of AR)

You can also use the "Player Editor" available from the "Character Sheet" within the "World Tour", when the "Advanced Options" are turned on, within the "Misc Options" menu.
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Postby jolamouche » 11 Jan 2007, 11:24

Hi !!
first excuse my english...
And i want to congratulate the guy who has the good idea to add more tournaments and more players.... I just have to begin a new game with this...So just a question what is the difference beetwen chalenge and future tournament ?????
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Postby manutoo » 11 Jan 2007, 12:00


the Futures are same than the Challengers, except they give less entry points.

I updated the base to 1.2 :
Corrections in Player.ini :
Murray from GB (Great-Britain), instead of Argentina

Corrections in TourCategory.ini :
added points for qualification's rounds, to reflect the TE2006 update done on October 2006

It's possible to update from v1.1 to v1.2 without starting a new game.
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Postby joe » 28 Jan 2007, 23:41


I just dowloaded the extra players and tournamnets. It was added to the database, how does it transfer to the game itself?

Postby manutoo » 29 Jan 2007, 08:59

hello Joe,

I'm not sure what you mean by "added to the database", but if you copied the files to the good directory, it should be in effect when you start the game (and it should force you to start a new game).
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Postby joe » 04 Feb 2007, 03:33

is the 2nd link on the first post the corrected version of the game?

Postby manutoo » 04 Feb 2007, 10:15

yup, it is.
== Mana Games ==

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Postby Guest » 04 Feb 2007, 20:48

good, because im on week 7 and I have already boosted my ranking to 399.

Postby Guest » 16 Feb 2007, 06:39

This is one of the best games out there

Postby ==Matthew== » 06 Mar 2007, 06:03

hey i got TE20061b and i keep gettin bug error #531 and there isnt a court there im playing on nothing can anyone help


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