More players, more tournaments... they are here...

General discussions about the 2nd edition of Tennis Elbow

More players, more tournaments... they are here...

Postby luisrha » 19 Apr 2006, 09:52

I made a little update of the database to put in more players and tournaments. If you want to test it, go to: ...

This includes:
- 500 players
- 239 tournaments (more Challengers and Futures)
- All Challengers and Futures have doubles tournament and qualy

[EDIT: direct link to fixed version =>[TE2006].zip ]
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Postby Guest » 22 Apr 2006, 15:16

thank you, grgeat work! :D


Postby Guest » 22 May 2006, 14:11

Are they real life players or just generated ones?

Are they real tournaments at real locations or again just made up ones?

Thanks for taking the time to create this expansion by the way!

Postby luisrha » 29 May 2006, 01:35

Yes, all are real players and real tournaments.
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Postby madrilene59 » 30 May 2006, 21:49

thanks good work
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Postby Guest » 01 Jun 2006, 10:41

Fantastic expansion. But my game always crashed after week 14 and displays an error message. has anyone else experienced this?

Postby manutoo » 05 Jun 2006, 07:13


yes, I think this bug has been reported and corrected.
Download the latest version from the website and try with it.
== Mana Games ==

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Postby Guest » 05 Jun 2006, 13:34

I'll try the latest download and see how I get on.

The extra players and tournaments really do add to the game and give a real simulation of building a tennis career starting right at the bottom and working your way up.

Maybe Manutoo could use this extra data in TE 2007 if the creater doesn't mind?

Postby Guest » 05 Jun 2006, 22:30

Can someone please post the link jsut as a zip file or something? I can't get that site to work and it won't let me download the file. Help please!

Postby manutoo » 06 Jun 2006, 06:01


for more convenience, I put the file here :[TE2006].zip
If his author, Luisrha, wants me to remove this file, he can let me know...
== Mana Games ==

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Postby Guest » 06 Jun 2006, 15:50

Thank you very much!

Postby luisrha » 08 Jun 2006, 10:00

manutoo wrote:Hello,

for more convenience, I put the file here :[TE2006].zip
If his author, Luisrha, wants me to remove this file, he can let me know...

It's ok. I'm glad other players like my update.
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Gaming Since: 24 Feb 2006, 09:37

Postby Guest » 10 Jun 2006, 22:46

Manutoo, can you please help!

I am using the latest version of TE2006, however when i use Luisrha's extra player/tournaments is always crashed a week 14! Id there anything you can do? I'd really appreciate it. Error log below:

Code: Select all
TennisElbow caused an Access Violation in module TennisElbow.exe at 001b:0042777a.
Exception handler called in Main Thread.

Postby manutoo » 12 Jun 2006, 07:59


I checked the game with these bases, and yes, it's crashing on the Davis Cup.
There were some mistakes that lead to this crash, and anyway there were also other little bugs in the game engine, so I corrected both the bases and the game itself, so everybody who wants to play with these bases should be sure to download everything again...

Corrections in Player.ini :
- a few players didn't have a correct country code

Corrections in Tour.ini :
- changed some countries in the Davis Cup's 2nd league (coz some countries had only 1 player in the base => it was the cause of the crash)
- removed 3 tournaments (each time a Davis Cup qualification is played), coz it was exceeding the limit of 10 tournaments / week
- added the tournament max setting (so people trying the base won't need to modify another .ini to raise the limit to 250)
Last edited by manutoo on 13 Jun 2006, 10:52, edited 1 time in total.
== Mana Games ==

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Postby Guest » 12 Jun 2006, 10:27

Thanks for your help!

So do we need to download luisrha's expansion pack again from the link included in this post?

Presumably my promising tennis career has ended after just 14 weeks and I need to start again, or can it be salvaged?

Thanks once again for your help.


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