Report Insulting & Rude Players

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Re: Report Insulting & Rude Players

Postby Guest » 26 Feb 2021, 14:17

Shoulderpova wrote:LOL :D I have played Derek over hundred times and never had problems with him in the past. Yes, sometimes the game lags and freeze more, but it happens with everyone. It is just something with connection.

What's your point? Many others do have a problem with his behaviour. A lot of people have mentioned his insults and behaviour in chat-that has nothing to do with connection.

Re: Report Insulting & Rude Players

Postby Novak1 » 08 Mar 2021, 17:00

Reporting User: DAN played 08/03/2021 14.30

My name: Novak1

He stated "I know where you live" halfway through game on chat and when I asked so? He said "Kill", "Blood"

Anyway I can report this to Admin/Mods?

Re: Report Insulting & Rude Players

Postby Novak1 » 11 Mar 2021, 16:54

Reporting user: Derek (Elo 1900 played nearly 8000 games).

Same as others say on here. Screenshots, corner serves , rude in chat.

Didn't work and I still won :)

Also kept saying in chat he has evidence against me lol.

I suppose will just avoid in future and encourage others to do so. Just not a nice player

Re: Report Insulting & Rude Players

Postby Derek » 11 Mar 2021, 17:05

I report Novak1 and I have all evidences. He HAS any to me, because it never happen. Just leave me alone dude.


I'm doing screenshots? I'm serving corner? :roll:
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
Messages: 276
Gaming Since: 27 Apr 2011, 11:59
Location: Poland

Re: Report Insulting & Rude Players

Postby Maestroplease » 11 Mar 2021, 17:17

Derek-you have had numerous complaints from different people on this forum. You have very bad rep. You started screenshotting, you started corner serving. Don't try and shift blame on other people for your actions. If they end up copying you then whose fault is that? Maybe take an extended break from the game and try and come back a better person because you are driving good people away from this community with your behaviour.

Re: Report Insulting & Rude Players

Postby Derek » 11 Mar 2021, 17:22

Maestroplease wrote:Derek-you have had numerous complaints from different people on this forum. You have very bad rep. You started screenshotting, you started corner serving. Don't try and shift blame on other people for your actions. If they end up copying you then whose fault is that? Maybe take an extended break from the game and try and come back a better person because you are driving good people away from this community with your behaviour.

WTF. Do u have evidence that I'm serving from corner? Do u have evidence that I'm doing screenshots on purpose? Do u have evidence that I was insulting people? NO. You just have all receipts about yourself right here. I'm just ending here, cause I'm so tired of you, seriously. Have fun.
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
Messages: 276
Gaming Since: 27 Apr 2011, 11:59
Location: Poland

Re: Report Insulting & Rude Players

Postby Maestroplease » 11 Mar 2021, 17:34

Derek wrote: WTF. Do u have evidence that I'm serving from corner? Do u have evidence that I'm doing screenshots on purpose? Do u have evidence that I was insulting people? NO. You just have all receipts about yourself right here. I'm just ending here, cause I'm so tired of you, seriously. Have fun.

Read back over the forum for evidence. You're mentioned in this thread far more then anyone else. What does that say about you?

I've also seen for myself when I played you months ago the way you act. Swearing in chat, celebrating every point, pausing, corner serves and screenshots. etc. You are not a fair player.

Re: Report Insulting & Rude Players

Postby Derek » 11 Mar 2021, 17:37

Maestroplease wrote:Read back over the forum for evidence. You're mentioned in this thread far more then anyone else. What does that say about you?

Maybe it's because it's all from one person and you are delusional?
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
Messages: 276
Gaming Since: 27 Apr 2011, 11:59
Location: Poland

Re: Report Insulting & Rude Players

Postby Maestroplease » 11 Mar 2021, 18:07

Derek wrote:Maybe it's because it's all from one person and you are delusional?

Or maybe you just can't face the truth that you insult most people you come across on here.

Re: Report Insulting & Rude Players

Postby Shoulderpova » 15 Mar 2021, 09:30

Please, ban Maestro or Novak1 (whatever his other nicknames are) he is rude and whenever he loses, he starts to blame connection or that you lag. Very unsportsmanlike. I had already problems in the past with him as well.
court crocodile
court crocodile
Messages: 26
Gaming Since: 16 Jan 2019, 19:42
Location: Czech Republic

Re: Report Insulting & Rude Players

Postby vale91 » 27 Mar 2021, 12:28

I'd like to report ANASSIMANDRO

free insults after few points
avoid this player
court crocodile
court crocodile
Messages: 22
Gaming Since: 16 Apr 2020, 12:40

Re: Report Insulting & Rude Players

Postby Guest » 15 May 2021, 15:00

Reporting user Stroke (also has been known as P4).

Serves from corner and freezes screen when you're about to win. Advisable to avoid.

Re: Report Insulting & Rude Players

Postby Guest » 16 May 2021, 01:02

Guest wrote:Reporting user Stroke (also has been known as P4).

Serves from corner and freezes screen when you're about to win. Advisable to avoid.

Rome (ELO: 1998 +10 ; Crc = 7702999) def. Stroke (ELO: 1348 -10 ; Crc = 3058447) : 6/4 4/1 ret. - Clay - 0:27'19 (1:02'29) - 2021-05-15 14:32 [Online]

I outlasted his freeze and he quit and ran-away. This was his elo and time when he quit just so you can identify (also goes by the name Fednad) played 675is games. :)`

Re: Report Insulting & Rude Players

Postby Prize » 14 Jun 2021, 13:15

Reporting user Derek about 8000 games. Very very rude and insulting. Corner serves, and screenshots, so game constantly freezing, very rude in chat just because he can't win fair....Seems like he's done it loads according to this. If ever a player needed booting from this game it's him ruining it for all the fair players.

Re: Report Insulting & Rude Players

Postby Prize » 14 Jun 2021, 13:39

Derek just did this to me when we played. I was going to win and he began lagging for no reason. Screenshotting on match point so I couldn't hit ball back properly and then as I hit a winner he did something to make game crash and it counted as a loss! All because he can't play fair-he's just a pathetic cheat.


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