How best to tweak character attributes

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How best to tweak character attributes

Postby athan_k » 30 May 2007, 18:42

Hello Manutto or anyone else who cares to respond,

I want to know about how best to tweak my player's characteristics (forehand, volley, form, etc) since I am aware that having all of them at 100% is perhaps not the best option.

If that is the case, I would love an explanation as to why it is not better to have them all at 100%.

Also, I am wondering whether these settings (in character sheets, characteristics) have any effect on online matches. I assume that they do since my player that appears online is the same player I have chosen (he looks the same, etc).

Finally, are these settings dependent on whether one has the demo or full version?


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Gaming Since: 24 May 2007, 19:29

Postby manutoo » 31 May 2007, 09:55


I'm assuming you're asking this for online matches, although you didn't post in the correct forum (I'll move the topic soon).

So yup, skills are used in the online matches, in the same way than in matches against the CPU.

So, in Fair Play you have a max average of 75%, and in Tourney 50%.
No restriction in free mode, so it's better to have 100% everywhere.

Let's see Fair Play in detail.
If lag is >= 50ms, no strong serve, so max service skill will be 50%.
75 x 7 skills = 525 points to distribute.
So for a rally player a quite good setting would be :
Forehand, Backhand & Form at 100%.
Service at 50%.
Volley forehand & backhand at 60%, smash at 55%.

And if you just let them all at 100%, the game will lower them to 75% average by itself.

I'll let you find other good settings in Tourney mode, or with other play styles... :wink:
== Mana Games ==

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Postby athan_k » 31 May 2007, 19:04

thanks manuttoo for a very enlightening post. Finally I understood how the thing works and I am very happy!
tennis fan
tennis fan
Messages: 17
Gaming Since: 24 May 2007, 19:29

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