online help [game blocks when creating game]

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online help [game blocks when creating game]

Postby takou1988 » 23 Mar 2007, 07:16

Hey Manatoo, I have the trial version and I was trying to play online. Every time I click either "Host game" or "Join game", the game just freezes, including the mouse (tennis ball). I can't do anything within the program and I can't even close it with Task Manager. What's going on?

Postby manutoo » 23 Mar 2007, 08:47


when you click on "Host game" or "Join game", the game tries to reach the web server. So I guess your firewall must pops up a window asking you if you want to authorize the game to access Internet or not.

If you play in fullscreen mode, switch to windowed mode before to try to create a game or find online games.

If you're already in windowed mode, try to look for your firewall pop up.

If it's not that, then I'll need to see your "System.log" file, from your Tennis Elbow 2006's directory.
== Mana Games ==

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Postby takou1988 » 23 Mar 2007, 09:12

thanks, that firewall tip did it. "D'oh!" Care to play? I've been trying to play with someone for 90 minutes, no luck. I'm active in the chat in I'm still hosting a game ready to be joined.

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