Problems with new update [Build 28]

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Problems with new update [Build 28]

Postby Freak » 26 Feb 2007, 20:22

Hello Manutoo,

Since newest update has been released we (some players and me) are experiencing problems when "playing" online. :cry:

The problem is that we can't host or either join. When we want to join we come to screen where ping is showed and then screen goes blue (probably when hoster hits play). Here is link

When we try to host everything seems alright until we enter the game and then connection is immediately lost or we are waiting for player for ages and then lastly connection is lost.

I tried to do fresh install, but nothing has improved. I want to emphasize that problem came with latest update. Could you please help us? Thank you and hopefuly this problem will be solved so we can again enjoy playing this great game. :D

Postby Guest » 26 Feb 2007, 20:32

I haven't been seeing so bad english since long.

Postby manutoo » 26 Feb 2007, 21:07


yes, it's very probably due to the last update...
But unfortunately, I'm not sure what's wrong... :?

I just tried to remove one thing I added since the last update, so thanks to let me know if it's helping or not.
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Postby Freak » 26 Feb 2007, 21:28

I still haven't downloaded new version but some players said that nothing has improved still same problem

Postby BM » 26 Feb 2007, 22:25

can you if it's possible bring old version back, until this one is fixed

New version problem

Postby Temp. solution for Bug » 26 Feb 2007, 22:37

As you already know, there is a problem with on-line playing, no one knows where is the problem! So, I'm asking you, if it's possible to bring back old version for download again (one that was before this problems), until you figure out whats causing this problem. :( :(
Temp. solution for Bug

Postby manutoo » 26 Feb 2007, 23:11

unfortunately, I didn't keep the previous version (and it's not too easy to build it again).

I just found something else that may have been the cause of all this trouble...
I'm uploading the new update now, it'll be available within next 10 min.
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Postby manutoo » 26 Feb 2007, 23:28

humm, I wonder... the people who have trouble, do they have Intel CPU, and the people who doesn't have trouble, do they have AMD CPU ..?

I got 3 error reports, all are from Intel CPU.
The game is working fine on my PC, and it's an Amd CPU.

I'm done for tonight, but I'll test tomorrow on my Intel PC... :?
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Postby BM » 27 Feb 2007, 13:22

it seems ok now! :D :D :D

Postby manutoo » 27 Feb 2007, 13:48

ok, good, thanks to let me know how things are going..!
== Mana Games ==

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Postby Cobra » 01 Mar 2007, 19:07

Hello Manutoo
I still haven't bought Tennis Elbow because i can't afford it. :cry:
In one of updates you made it available to us who have demo to play TE2006 online after trial period is over, but in newest update this isn't possible. Every time when i want to join someone i got this message and it closes TE2006. Could you please help me. Thank you!!!

Postby manutoo » 01 Mar 2007, 19:56

Hello Cobra,

yup, there was a trouble there..!
Thanks to report it, I just corrected it.
Download and install the game again :

or completely uninstall and reinstall your current version.
== Mana Games ==

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