Report Insulting & Rude Players

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Report Insulting & Rude Players

Postby manutoo » 01 Sep 2011, 07:09


>> Before to do a Report, read _everything_ in this post ! <<

if you meet a player that insults you and/or use a lot of profanities, you can report him in this topic, so I'll ban him from online play for a few days (and longer if not his 1st ban).

To find your abuser, I need you to report :
- your nick name (in the game)
- the abuser nick name
- the date & approximate time of the end of match (possibly, let me know your GMT spread)
- the score of the match

Do no report :
1a- Small insults like someone calling you : loser, noob, etc...
1b- Light cursing ; ie: people saying just a very few profanities
1c- Quitters
1d - Players waiting to serve, going into the menus, swapping to another application, etc...
1e - Inappropriate gesture use
1f - Quick chat spamming
=> Instead give your opponent a negative vote for their reputation.
2- Tour Match issues : contact the Tour Mods in such case
3- Players serving from the corner : that's against no rule

If you want to warn the community about bad online players, post in this topic instead : topic8-5150.php .

Important rule : don't insult back people who insulted you... ;)

If you get banned, you'll get a "Online Account Verification Failed". Come in this topic and locate your ban announcement. At the end of the ban, you should write a post in this topic to apologize to the insulted opponent(s) and ask me to unban you. If you don't apologize, your ban will go on forever !

I process reports twice a month ; usually, on 1st & 16th of each month.

Legacy Topic : topic8-2789.php
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Re: Report Insulting & Rude Players

Postby manutoo » 01 Sep 2011, 07:10

OkiiO, lately AKA MPPM is banned 5 days for almost non-stop profanities against many people.

Ramn is banned 4 days for profanities & insults against several people.
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Re: Report Insulting & Rude Players

Postby KeyLime » 04 Sep 2011, 02:39

My name: KeyLime
His name: Dwayne

He was taunting me, going into chat and saying "beat me" and "you will lose 6-3 6-4" etc. I told him he was being rude but he just blocked the chat. Please don't act like this again Dwayne! You are good and it was not enjoyable playing against you when you taunt other players!

Re: Report Insulting & Rude Players

Postby Guest » 19 Sep 2011, 14:26

my name:Player 1
abuser's name:alex98
i played this guy just now.he said "fuck you",then i blocked chat.administrator assistance needed,since these words are very provoking.

Re: Report Insulting & Rude Players

Postby Petra Kvitova CZE » 23 Sep 2011, 17:45

my name: Novak Djokovic #1
His name: Mr. Cramps (elo about 1800)

We started to play and after I won first point appeared desynhronization. And he played new point and he won it than I open chat and tell him that first point was mine but OK. He said me that I'm stupid. I didn't pay attention and I just blocked chat. Than he give up... Than I join him again and try to play and he open chat and write me several insults and he give up again. I try to join him again but he reject. Than I change my nick to Mr.Cramps is LOSER (becouse I knew that he will accept me with that nick). He accepted and write me more insults. And this is not first time. He insulted me few days ago but I didn't want to report him but now I decided to do that. Here is photo.
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Re: Report Insulting & Rude Players

Postby Igor Josifoski » 23 Sep 2011, 23:56

I got insulted by a player called " Mambus " with ELO about 1500 ....

He said that I am stupid.
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Re: Report Insulting & Rude Players

Postby tlato entwistle » 26 Sep 2011, 03:26

im going to report a guy named named go back go, he has elo around 1300 and we played at 22:23 GMT -3
we played 3 points and i have to go to the bathroom to poop, he said me a*shole
here's a screenshot if needed:
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Re: Report Insulting & Rude Players

Postby Rafa.Nadal » 27 Sep 2011, 22:42

Petra Kvitova CZE wrote:my name: Novak Djokovic #1
His name: Mr. Cramps (elo about 1800)

We started to play and after I won first point appeared desynhronization. And he played new point and he won it than I open chat and tell him that first point was mine but OK. He said me that I'm stupid. I didn't pay attention and I just blocked chat. Than he give up... Than I join him again and try to play and he open chat and write me several insults and he give up again. I try to join him again but he reject. Than I change my nick to Mr.Cramps is LOSER (becouse I knew that he will accept me with that nick). He accepted and write me more insults. And this is not first time. He insulted me few days ago but I didn't want to report him but now I decided to do that. Here is photo.

HAHAHA this guy is definitely hilarous.
I think that it is time for you to understand that when you have a desynchronisation, both players don't have the same screen so you may often see the ball fault while it isn't.
So in this particular match when it happened, he started saying LOLOLOL (MDR!) many times and it was okay until then but he eventually opened chat and complained about the first point. I tried to explain to him how it works without any insult and then he just closed the chat again and again, and continuing taunting me with "lololols" before i blocked the chat too.
And then he came in with another nickname to taunt me again and that's when i tought that he should just hear the truth before he blocked me again, that we was completely dumb and by the way i don't think that it is so wrong to do this, it's not like i treated him of being gay or something of that kind..
Well I don't know if you can retrieve the whole chat but maybe you should do it and hopefully you'll agree to my point.

Edit : You have to do something about people leaving the game with Ctrl+Alt+Sup and killing the process.
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Re: Report Insulting & Rude Players

Postby Petra Kvitova CZE » 28 Sep 2011, 02:40

Rafa.Nadal wrote:
HAHAHA this guy is definitely hilarous.
I think that it is time for you to understand that when you have a desynchronisation, both players don't have the same screen so you may often see the ball fault while it isn't.
So in this particular match when it happened, he started saying LOLOLOL (MDR!) many times and it was okay until then but he eventually opened chat and complained about the first point. I tried to explain to him how it works without any insult and then he just closed the chat again and again, and continuing taunting me with "lololols" before i blocked the chat too.
And then he came in with another nickname to taunt me again and that's when i tought that he should just hear the truth before he blocked me again, that we was completely dumb and by the way i don't think that it is so wrong to do this, it's not like i treated him of being gay or something of that kind..
Well I don't know if you can retrieve the whole chat but maybe you should do it and hopefully you'll agree to my point.

Edit : You have to do something about people leaving the game with Ctrl+Alt+Sup and killing the process.

OMG! That isn't true. After you play point again I only send LOL one time. And you do same thing to me. And I open chat I tell you about the first point. You didn't try to explan me you started to write "you are stup..." and I close chat. You open again and I blocked. Becouse you started to write insults...
And you wrote this: "by the way i don't think that it is so wrong to do this, it's not like i treated him of being gay or something of that kind... NOW WE SEE WHO IS "STUPID" (just quote what you write to me).
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Re: Report Insulting & Rude Players

Postby Rafa.Nadal » 28 Sep 2011, 12:36

What are you 12 years old ? "Becouse" , seriously ?
I don't have time to waste for such an immature kid. I have been nominated as one of the fairest players in the tournament tour, but in that game i just couldn't stand so much stupidity.

By the way you have no credibility, you already have been banned for insults and reported maria sharapova because he jumped and cheered etc.
Besides considering how much people he reported for insults the problem may come from his side, seems like he is taunting and provoking everyone.
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Re: Report Insulting & Rude Players

Postby Petra Kvitova CZE » 28 Sep 2011, 16:33

Rafa.Nadal wrote:What are you 12 years old ? "Becouse" , seriously ?
I don't have time to waste for such an immature kid. I have been nominated as one of the fairest players in the tournament tour, but in that game i just couldn't stand so much stupidity.

By the way you have no credibility, you already have been banned for insults and reported maria sharapova because he jumped and cheered etc.
Besides considering how much people he reported for insults the problem may come from his side, seems like he is taunting and provoking everyone.

I only report people when they insult me. I insulted one person and I was banned for that. After that I never insult anyone. You insulted me and now you write THIS instead of apologize. :sweat:
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Re: Report Insulting & Rude Players

Postby Rafa.Nadal » 28 Sep 2011, 18:14

You either have no memory or you are completely lying about the facts in your first post. I did say that you were stupid but it didnt happen like you said at all. I am waiting for Manu to check this and do his statement.
Taunting and provoking people like you do is just like insults, don't be suprised to be insulted again seeing the way you act like a child.
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Re: Report Insulting & Rude Players

Postby Mike Candys » 28 Sep 2011, 18:24

Petra Kvitova how old are you ??? Seriously if you are 5 i understand, but if you are more you are just a stupid person ! Rafa.Nadal is right to not waste time with you, you are sooooo sensitive :( btw is "stupid" an insult ? nooo it isn't, except for you :'( WAKE UP sad player it is a GAME so have FUN & let your touchiness ! :)
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Re: Report Insulting & Rude Players

Postby Stajus » 29 Sep 2011, 16:20

Allez Rafa.Nadal :lol: Jean-Yves...what's this nick about....Mr.Cramps xD
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Re: Report Insulting & Rude Players

Postby Rafa.Nadal » 29 Sep 2011, 18:41

Didn't you see Rafa Nadal's monstruous cramp during an interview at Us Open ? :D
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