>> Before to do a Report, read _everything_ in this post ! <<
if you meet a player that insults you and/or use a lot of profanities, you can report him in this topic, so I'll ban him from online play for a few days (and longer if not his 1st ban).
To find your abuser, I need you to report :
- your nick name (in the game)
- the abuser nick name
- the date & approximate time of the end of match (possibly, let me know your GMT spread)
- the score of the match
Do no report :
1a- Small insults like someone calling you : loser, noob, etc...
1b- Light cursing ; ie: people saying just a very few profanities
1c- Quitters
1d - Players waiting to serve, going into the menus, swapping to another application, etc...
1e - Inappropriate gesture use
1f - Quick chat spamming
=> Instead give your opponent a negative vote for their reputation.
2- Tour Match issues : contact the Tour Mods in such case
3- Players serving from the corner : that's against no rule
If you want to warn the community about bad online players, post in this topic instead : topic8-5150.php .
Important rule : don't insult back people who insulted you...

If you get banned, you'll get a "Online Account Verification Failed". Come in this topic and locate your ban announcement. At the end of the ban, you should write a post in this topic to apologize to the insulted opponent(s) and ask me to unban you. If you don't apologize, your ban will go on forever !
I process reports twice a month ; usually, on 1st & 16th of each month.
Legacy Topic : topic8-2789.php