TE4 Online problem

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TE4 Online problem

Postby jp » 22 Feb 2024, 17:22

Hi, I'm new to Tennis Elbow 4 online.
I have been playing it offline for a long time, but now I decided to try to play online. I am facing the same problem as the creator of this topic... When I create a game, the game gives a notification about my UDP port 4321. I have read many topics on the forum. Tried different combinations of my Firewall etc... Now I'm waiting for an answer from my internet provider as to whether I can open the ports. I tried to open ports through router settings, but on sites that check ports I still get the result that they are closed :(

When I enter online mode I can see other matches and I don't get errors, it only happens when I create my own game. But I was not able to join other players. I was getting a message that "player not responding" or that I have another mod installed.

Is there any way I can send to admins the Bug Report file? I don't understand at all how I can solve this problem....
tennis curious
Messages: 3
Gaming Since: 20 Feb 2024, 20:31
Location: Moscow, Russia

Re: TE4 Online problem

Postby manutoo » 23 Feb 2024, 07:17


did you read everything in my post here : topic8-9923.php ?

If yes, then wait for the next update, it'll have something new to help by using your IPv6 instead of your IPv4. (you can see them listed on top of the Online menu)
== Mana Games ==

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Re: damn UDP port 4321!

Postby jp » 23 Feb 2024, 08:30

Thanks for your prompt reply!
Of course, I have learned all the topics with this theme, so I was able to do some actions on my own, but it still didn't help :(
Ok, no problem, I'll wait for the update then :)
tennis curious
Messages: 3
Gaming Since: 20 Feb 2024, 20:31
Location: Moscow, Russia

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