Player lagging on purpose for hours

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Player lagging on purpose for hours

Postby Fognini » 10 Mar 2018, 20:04

There is a player called "Brat" who I was beating 4-0, then he starts lagging the game at will

He lags the game every time that I have to move, and just waits and waits and then un-stops the game until he feels like starting it again. Every point. I would like a ban, IP ban, IP range ban for this player. I will email the owner of the game separately too.


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Re: Player lagging on purpose for hours

Postby manutoo » 11 Mar 2018, 08:34


same than here => topic8-29176.php .
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Re: Player lagging on purpose for hours

Postby v.williams » 30 Mar 2018, 20:55

I just played this player. The name Brat is very accurate. Lagged every time I went to hit the ball after i had a break point at 4-4 and the entire time after that.
There should be bans for people who consistently show they can't play fair and only resort to cheating.
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