Tennis Elbow 2006 : network beta test

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Tennis Elbow 2006 : network beta test

Postby manutoo » 14 Mar 2006, 20:01


here the link to download the Beta test of the network play of Tennis Elbow 2006 (that will be available as a free upgrade to all TE2005 users) :

So far, it works perfectly on local network, without any loss of synchronization.

Thanks to let me know if you encounter any problem.

I set up a chat to ease the research of other players : (it works in PHP, so it's a bit slow, but it should be alright for now as long as there are not too much people on it :) )

Once connected, the game looks your ping, and then try to find the best lag setting.
I'm not sure if it works good or not, but the basic idea is to set the lag to half of the usual maximal ping, or a bit more.
Example: you never or almost never have more than 60 ms of ping, so you should set the lag on 33 ms (there are steps, you cannot set it with a granularity of 1 millisecond).

Only the host sets the lag, then it's sent to the 2nd player before to start the game.

PS: don't try the World Tour, it misses some players to work correctly !
Last edited by manutoo on 25 Mar 2006, 19:27, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby manutoo » 16 Mar 2006, 13:57

There is a very annoying problem in the network code of DirectX 8, that almost completely blocks player with ping above 50ms !

So I skipped to DX9. Let me know if you can start this version with only DX8 installed (or else tell me the error you get), and else, you'll have to install DX9 if not already done.

The version on the website is updated and you can download it there :

There are a few other little fixes and improvements as well.
== Mana Games ==

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Postby Guest » 18 Mar 2006, 17:13

go to to play online

Postby manutoo » 20 Mar 2006, 19:01

New beta version :

Big improvement, especially when there is packet loss. With around 1 or 2% of lost packets, it's now almost unnoticeable, and even at 10% it's still playable (there's not much lag or slowing down, but the game runs at 30 fps instead of 60 sometimes)

To offer a more fair online experience, I also added 3 skill modes, that the Host can set :
- free : allow to play with any percentage in your skills
- fair : Service max = 75%; skills average = 75%; strong serve is disabled if the lag is set to 50 ms or above
- tourney : Service max = 75%; skills average: 50%; strong serve is disabled if the lag is set to 50 ms or above

It should be the last Beta.
The final 2006 version should be released within the end of this week, except if there's a major problem...
== Mana Games ==

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