unfair los of elo

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unfair los of elo

Postby The Ivan » 02 Jun 2017, 22:04

hi manutoo,
i just played a match with "arnaud girard". score was 2-2 when the game got laggy and my opponent quit the match. as a consequence i lost 13 elo to him and also lost 15 elo for penalty (!!) In sum i lost 28 elo. it's now the second time that happens to me. Why does this happen? It was no my fault at all, i dont know why the engine punishes me for his decission to quit the match.
Thanks for ur answer and greetings
Ivan the Terrible… the Great… the Magnificent… the Courageous… the Magisterial… keeping opponents in fear! Well… that's not me! :D
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Re: unfair los of elo

Postby NESXA » 02 Jun 2017, 22:31

I will send you my opinion on skype, but let's see what manutoo will say.
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Re: unfair los of elo

Postby The Ivan » 02 Jun 2017, 23:13

thx mate for ur opinion and ur help. here some details for better information:

my opponent was "arnaud girard" and we finished our match at 21:41 CET (germany)
The score was 2-2 when my opponent quit.
When score was 2-2 the match froze (huge lag?) and i decided to swap to browser to bridge the waiting time.
My opponent quit and the result was my los of elo to him and also the penalty elo.
Ivan the Terrible… the Great… the Magnificent… the Courageous… the Magisterial… keeping opponents in fear! Well… that's not me! :D
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Re: unfair los of elo

Postby manutoo » 03 Jun 2017, 08:07

The Ivan,
if you switched to another application and your opponent quit, the game will consider it'll be your wrong because you stopped to play the game.
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Re: unfair los of elo

Postby NESXA » 03 Jun 2017, 10:34

It is same as my answer.
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Re: unfair los of elo

Postby The Ivan » 03 Jun 2017, 11:11

ok. i did not know switching to another aplication while match is frozen on its own is considered i stopped playing the match. (Yes, ShoNe explained me in skype yesterday though)
I was more about to temporize, since those freezing issues often disappear after 1 or 2 minutes again and my intention was to go on playing the match.
Many thanks to both of you, ShoNe and manutoo
Ivan the Terrible… the Great… the Magnificent… the Courageous… the Magisterial… keeping opponents in fear! Well… that's not me! :D
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