a protocol is just a standardized way to communicate.
For Tennis Elbow connection, it gives something like this :
for Host :
- I send your my local players
- I receive your players
- I ping you
- I send you the Lag setting
- start game
for Client :
- I send your my local players
- I receive your players
- I ping you, while waiting you send me the Lag setting
- start game
actually, the in-game protocol is quite more complex than the connection protocol.
But for the connection protocol, I had to do all the basic network init, so it was longer.
Now, I just played my 1st network game without desynchronization for 4 games ! So I guess it's alright...
Tomorrow, I'll check the protocol when some packets are lost, and then add many needed little things (for example : the end of game & connection loss during the game)
www.tenniselbow.be.tt is a fan site, not the real official page for TE online.
But let say it's the official fan site ..!