Sticky matches

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Sticky matches

Postby The Ivan » 05 Feb 2017, 13:03

Hi guys, I got a question and would be really happy if some of you have any answers:
Why in some online matches (against certain opponents only) the controls are so sticky that I am not able to hit powerful shots? During that matches my shots are slow and short. Plus I am hardly able to reach any of the courts corners since my angles are totally reduced… That happens even if I’m hosting with the settings being exactly the same: one match is fast, the next one sticky (the lag is not increased and there is no turtle symbol appearing etc.)
Is there any explanation behind it?
It’s really maximum frustrating playing such matches, and it’s really exhausting too… I mean, I’m like pressing the keys of my keyboard to death hoping to release some more power and angle… ':D But all I can do is just slowly pushing back sticky heavy "shots"… waiting my opponent to kill the point…
I really love T.E. but this issue drives me mad! :annoyed:
Thx a lot!!! :D
Ivan the Terrible… the Great… the Magnificent… the Courageous… the Magisterial… keeping opponents in fear! Well… that's not me! :D
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The Ivan
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Re: Sticky matches

Postby manutoo » 06 Feb 2017, 07:47


when it happens, what is the Delay ? (you can check it by pressing F4 and looking on bottom right of the screen)
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Re: Sticky matches

Postby The Ivan » 08 Feb 2017, 10:31

Hi manutoo, thx much for ur answer :D I have to check closely that delay setting which i never noticed before. I‘ve already figured out some changes in controls when setting is adjusted. But I‘m gonna read the respective part in ur documentation to understand what exaclty is all about…
Ivan the Terrible… the Great… the Magnificent… the Courageous… the Magisterial… keeping opponents in fear! Well… that's not me! :D
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