players on-line ? unreal, never wrong!

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players on-line ? unreal, never wrong!

Postby pastore » 03 Feb 2017, 20:40

This is the best simulator ever tennis, but some flaws ruin it, I am playing online with ITST 1.18 mod, but it is possible that 100% of the opponents to the end of the game have committed at most 3/4 max errors?
Playing in elite mode? This is impossible ! and unreal!
I have turned down all the values of my players, trying to get them to make mistakes even the playing field if poorly positioned or too pressed.
They are positioned at the bottom of the field, near the advertising boards, so they know that they run on the right and left without ever wrong, sin and unreal.
tennis curious
Messages: 3
Gaming Since: 31 May 2015, 13:18

Re: players on-line ? unreal, never wrong!

Postby manutoo » 04 Feb 2017, 08:22


ITST is played with Simulation controls ; Official TE Tour is played with Elite controls... ;-)
== Mana Games ==

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