China Great Firewall(GFWed) this websit and online server

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China Great Firewall(GFWed) this websit and online server

Postby zhoubo518 » 09 May 2015, 03:18

Hi manutoo,

It's a bad news that China GFWed this website and game online server recently. Many Chinese people whatever use CHINA UNICOM or CHINA TELICOM or China Mobile ISP cannot play online games unless use vpn,but vpn is unstabitily the ping usually so high and so lag.Can you adjust server IP address in case of the GFW?Sorry of my bad english.Thanks :D
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Re: China Great Firewall(GFWed) this websit and online serve

Postby manutoo » 09 May 2015, 11:25


according to this website , is available from China.
Maybe they block unofficial ports ? In that case, try to use Port 80 instead of 4321, maybe it'll help.
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