Freeze + Can't reach central server : is it fixed ?

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Freeze + Can't reach central server : is it fixed ?

Postby manutoo » 22 Mar 2015, 05:30


last evening I did a quick checking and found out there was still some big freezes on connection & server list refreshes (and so very probably while playing as well) followed by "Can't reach central server".

I checked and actually I did a huge mistake in the connection system that lead everybody to wait for the Steam connection process every time a Steam user was connecting to the online mode. So if several Steam users wanted to log in at the same time, the whole system was getting clogged very quickly.

I fixed that at 17:45 GMT+1 . Then I re-tested and it seemed to work way better.
My hope is that it removed at least 95% of the freezes followed by "Can't reach central server". It may still have some small freezes, but most of them shouldn't lead to an error. I'll try to see if I can optimize a bit more the whole online process.

So could anyone tell me if they noticed an improvement after 17:45 GMT+1 yesterday ?
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Re: Freeze + Can't reach central server : is it fixed ?

Postby adamdunn » 26 Mar 2015, 23:27

I am playing now (first time since I was having issues) and I haven't had a freeze yet. Good catch on the quick fix.
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