Cheat Volleyers?

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Re: Cheat Volleyers?

Postby testo » 22 Jun 2014, 19:39

yes but your serve was catchable for me. So i used that opportunity. If you serve more on lines then it would have been tougher for me to come and stick to net.[/quote]

more on lines ? i would be happy to aim the lines on each serve !! Whatever, i don't blame you but the game which permits to do that..
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
Messages: 711
Gaming Since: 21 Jan 2009, 22:18
Location: Paris - France

Re: Cheat Volleyers?

Postby markoCRO279 » 12 Jul 2014, 14:07

Thats way i play ITST. And i recommend everyone to do so. There are no exploits like here. When i see "no one can beat me" in lobby, i realize what kind of egoistick immature kid it is. In ITST there is no such cases.


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