Game gets frozen in stats screen

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Game gets frozen in stats screen

Postby campa100anni » 03 Apr 2014, 19:45

I don't know if this is a common issue or it's just a problem of mine. A lot of time (not everytime but still quite a few, I'd say like 3 times out of 10) when I finish an online match (whether I'm hosting or not) the game gets frozen in the stats screen and the only way for me to go away from that is by hitting CTRL+ALT+CANC getting back to desktop. That is very annoying sometimes as it takes a lot of time for it to get out from that screen (Task Manager takes long to work, something like 1 or 2 minutes). Is it a problem of mine (maybe my hardware configuration which I can describe here if needed) or is it a common issue? I have installed ITST 1.16 patch, I don't know if this could reguard the issue.
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Game gets frozen in stats screen

Postby Raz » 03 Apr 2014, 21:15

Your computer is not the problem, its a very common bug which pisses me off lately as well. There's nothing you can do about it except to wait for Manutoo to fix the bug.. :fear:
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Re: Game gets frozen in stats screen

Postby campa100anni » 03 Apr 2014, 21:56

ok, i'll wait then ^^
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Game gets frozen in stats screen

Postby manutoo » 04 Apr 2014, 04:04

if you can figure out the reason why it freezes, and why it doesn't freeze (ie: maybe something happens in the match before and it'll make the game freezes, and if that doesn't happen, then the game won't freeze), it'd greatly help me to fix the bug... :fear:
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Re: Game gets frozen in stats screen

Postby campa100anni » 04 Apr 2014, 17:19

ok, I'll try to pay attention at my pre-match routine and hope to understand something about it ;)
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Game gets frozen in stats screen

Postby campa100anni » 09 Aug 2014, 16:02

I'm keeping on having this issue from time to time and it looks to happen most of times when I have to quit a game during the match (because we get too many de-sync and I want to re-host or when I find out that the opponent I'm about to face is playing with a cheated and over-powered character). Sometimes it happens even when the match is over but most of times (I'd say 7-8 out of 10) it happens when I want to quit a still-not-finished match. Hope this can help you to find a solution to the problem ;) .

PS: I play with ITST Patch, I don't know it this could be relevant or not. As the match starts I can say if I'll have to re-host due to desynch straight away as I see players name in red in the scoreline and our #CRC apperars to be wrong.
Last edited by campa100anni on 09 Aug 2014, 20:12, edited 1 time in total.
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Game gets frozen in stats screen

Postby Raz » 09 Aug 2014, 18:16

yep, it still happens every day :(
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Re: Game gets frozen in stats screen

Postby manutoo » 10 Aug 2014, 03:47

I found out I wasn't following exactly the connection closing protocol for the client ; I'll do a little change for next update ; I doubt it comes from there, coz I think Raz is hosting most of times, not joining, but better to check.
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Re: Game gets frozen in stats screen

Postby manutoo » 21 Aug 2014, 09:11

In v1.0e, I added some checking, to be sure it's not freezing from my side.
To turn on this checking, open your Tennis.ini (or the .ini of your Profile), and then change this line, under [Network]:
TrackStalling = 0
to :
TrackStalling = 1
then save & launch the game.
It'll make the System.log much bigger. If it hangs, compress it in .rar or .zip and send it to me.
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Re: Game gets frozen in stats screen

Postby campa100anni » 22 Aug 2014, 14:22

ok thx ;)
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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