ELO penalty

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ELO penalty

Postby testo » 25 Jan 2014, 16:58


You must change it ! Now, players know that they have to wait 2 games before playing as a ..... After 2/3 games some players serve in corners, go to menu every time, lob at every shot ....

In this case we must quit and get double penalty !

Not fair
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Gaming Since: 21 Jan 2009, 22:18
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Re: ELO penalty

Postby manutoo » 26 Jan 2014, 04:52


do you prefer anybody quit the match all the time ?
The consensus in the past was to entice people to play till the end. I don't think it changed much...
And don't forget to give this kind of people bad reputation, so other players will be able to avoid them.
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