Who can explain ?? [High Lag Ratio]

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Who can explain ?? [High Lag Ratio]

Postby testo » 01 Jan 2014, 17:52

Is there somebody in this forum who would be able to answer me this question :

- i have a lower 1st% serve in online / offline ? (more net)
- i have really more errors in online / offine (i play vc CPU incredible/3-5) ?
- i have a big part of my volley out/in net in online / offline ?

To resume, i have a level difference of 1000 in ELO between online and offline modes (realistic, elite)

who can explain cause nobody (Manu included) to tell me why and i'm very very very very tired of this
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crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Who can explain ??

Postby testo » 01 Jan 2014, 19:34

one explanation could be my connection : even if i have 5/9 Mb, i always hace a lot of lags, micro-freezes (mainly when the ball come to me or when i'm ready to hit it)
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crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Who can explain ??

Postby testo » 01 Jan 2014, 22:19

Here is an example :

i play a previous set : ok at the beginning, hard at the end

replay : 150 ms - 46% lag !!!

Who can help me ?
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crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Who can explain ??

Postby testo » 01 Jan 2014, 22:59

another example : 150ms and 6% lag ...
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Re: Who can explain ??

Postby manutoo » 02 Jan 2014, 05:19

If you play all the time with more than 5% Lag Ratio, it's sure it won't help you to play well... Maybe you can try to manually raise the Delay. Also be sure that no download is running on your PC.
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Re: Who can explain ??

Postby testo » 02 Jan 2014, 09:12

No UL, no DL, i have checked the connection just before & just after and each time : 5 to 8 Mb

What i saw is the variation of the ping is huge. For all match, the range is often 100/200 ms of variation around the average ping
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Who can explain ??

Postby manutoo » 03 Jan 2014, 05:14

Are you playing on Wifi ? If so, try to find a LAN line and plug it in !
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Who can explain ??

Postby testo » 03 Jan 2014, 16:24

No Wifi, i use an Ethernet Connection ... i have to find a tool to check the stability of this connection
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crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Who can explain ?? [High Lag Ratio]

Postby testo » 05 Jan 2014, 17:59

Manu, j'ai noté une chose : au début, ça démarre tjours bien puis au fur et à mesure le % de lag monte, ça ralentit de + en +. Pendant ce temps, rien à signaler coté taslmanager (CPU, disk; réseau, mémoire), pourtant c'est de pire en pire...

Les desynchro montent en puissance. Ce matin, j'en ai DES DIZAINES contre SORANA . J'ai les dmo et log si tu veux

Si tu as des idées de tools pour surveiller l'état de la connection, sa stabilité ou autre je suis preneur car franchement j'en peux plus...

MErci d'avance
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Re: Who can explain ?? [High Lag Ratio]

Postby testo » 05 Jan 2014, 18:27

qq exemples ...
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Re: Who can explain ?? [High Lag Ratio]

Postby testo » 05 Jan 2014, 20:59

La connexion entre les 2 PC se fait en UDP ? ça expliquerait la perte de paquets de mon coté.

Je note un très grand nombre de "petits" paquets échangés (voir graphe en PJ).

Je vois quasi uniquement des paquets en UDP:

tx_good_bytes = 37870998
tx_collisions = 0
tx_unicast_pkts = 138728
tx_multicast_pkts = 8139
tx_broadcast_pkts = 1362
rx_good_bytes = 12138879
rx_fcs_errors = 0
rx_unicast_pkts = 132838
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crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Who can explain ?? [High Lag Ratio]

Postby manutoo » 06 Jan 2014, 05:05

La communication du jeu se fait effectivement en UDP (dans la doc, on n'y parle que du port UDP ;) ).
Par contre, il devrait y avoir 123 packets par seconde, et non pas 160 (60 en envoie, 60 en réception, et 3 pour le ping).
Si tu as un paquet de paquets perdus, alors ça doit pouvoir monter à 160, mais là c'est plutôt stable, donc un poil étrange...
Essaye de mettre le Délai manuellement, et mets le 2 ou 3 crans au dessus de l'Auto-Délai, p'tet que ça aidera.
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Who can explain ?? [High Lag Ratio]

Postby testo » 06 Jan 2014, 06:57

ok thanks je vais essayer mais en effet c'est bizarre. Je dois avoir une connection instable et en effet, je tourne à 160 paquets de moyenne pendant un match
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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