One more ''4321/can't host topic'' (did open on fw&router)

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One more ''4321/can't host topic'' (did open on fw&router)

Postby Dima666 » 27 Dec 2013, 01:34

Hello to all,

Purchased game today, mainly because online mode, aswell as offline, and now I can't play (not being able to host matches, 50% disability). I did open 4321 port on both firewall and router settings, pictures below (can't post, seems that I'm too new).

Tried with disabling firewall totally, aswell as antivirus on gaming mode. I have read many topics here and on ITST forum, it's a shame that many people who payed for the game experience such issues.

Any responses are very welcome. Hope someone managed to resolve this in the meantime.
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tennis curious
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Gaming Since: 26 Dec 2013, 23:05

Re: One more ''4321/can't host topic'' (did open on fw&route

Postby ElNino » 27 Dec 2013, 03:35

Thats really a big problem.
Try to play around with port forwarding. It helped me a lot to download a program that shows me if a certain port is forwarded or not. Guess it was from
I just played around with my router..
At first i opened 4321 but was not open
Then closed again and opened another one - checked.. and worked.
Then back to 4321 - did not work
then 4321 only udp - worked
Then 4321 tcp - did work.. lol
It was like this. I didnt know what it was that finally opened the port. At the end there was not a single difference in my router settings compared to the first try.

Dont forget: if you open ports to try close them again. I dont want you to have 20 ports opened at the end because u were trying out. For the game there is ONLY 4321 needed.

good luck!!
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
Messages: 105
Gaming Since: 10 Feb 2013, 00:41

Re: One more ''4321/can't host topic'' (did open on fw&route

Postby Nigogu » 07 Jan 2014, 03:56

Check if your antivirus is blocking the game, also check the windows firewall is allowing TE to access the port.
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crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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